[net.women] Racism, Sexism, Etc

omo@mcnc.UUCP (03/01/86)

>I still think
>that sexism and racism involve the assumption that a person is *inferior*
>based on he/r membership in a group.   
>I don't
>think ``most mathematicians are men'' is sexist -- it is reality.
>``Most mathematicians are men because almost no women can think logically''
>*is* sexist.
>Laura Creighton		

Laura, this seems to carry the implicit belief that *if* most women could
*not* think logically, they would be `inferior'.  This can be extrapolated
to "if most women cannot think *as* logically as most men, then women,
on the whole, are indeed inferior to men, on the whole" and also to
"if individual X cannot think as logically as individual Y, then
individual X is inferior to individual Y".

I'm not sure if this is what *you* meant, but it hits on what *I* see
as the real basis for racism, sexism, Ugly Americanism, prejudice, etc
(instead of stereotypes, which I see as a distraction from the real
issue), so I'm going to comment from there.  Don't take it personally!

I think the real problem is that various cultures and subcultures
define certain human characteristics as being more `valuable' than
others.  In our society, things that appear to enhance success in
business or achievement of power, for example, seem to head the list.
These values are so ingrained that it becomes impossible for the
person holding them to accept someone else as `equal' unless they
have these characteristics to more or less the same degree as
the particular group that values them:  Blacks can't really be
equal to whites unless they are as `intelligent' and women can't
really be equal to men unless they can think as `logically'.
Then you get off into silly and unfruitful efforts to try to compare
groups based on characteristics that we can't even evaluate.

I could go on for many screenfulls on this subject, but, lucky netters,
I won't!  I'll just say that I think the real problem is how we assess 
the `value' of human beings, *not* stereotyping (which is often quite
justified and accurate).  

dick@ucsfcca.UUCP (Dick Karpinski) (03/11/86)

In article <1189@alvin.mcnc.UUCP> omo@mcnc.UUCP writes:
>as the real basis for racism, sexism, Ugly Americanism, prejudice, etc

Not to flame, but those who read "The Ugly American" should realize
that far from a slur, the title was merely the identifying feature
of the respected man under discussion.  It was a long time ago, for me,
but the thing I remember about him was that he was the one who could
hear a disagreement from a local and be persuaded!  He was honored
because he held others in high regard.  He should be emulated rather
than despised.


Dick Karpinski    Manager of Unix Services, UCSF Computer Center
UUCP: ...!ucbvax!ucsfcgl!cca.ucsf!dick   (415) 476-4529 (12-7)
BITNET: dick@ucsfcca   Compuserve: 70215,1277  Telemail: RKarpinski
USPS: U-76 UCSF, San Francisco, CA 94143