[net.ai] The Mind"s I

cutler (01/22/83)

Concerning intelligent machines...how can you expect a conscious entity
with roughly the same intelligence as yourself (assuming it understands
human knowledge and interactions and learns from experience and all this
implies)  to do all your dirty work for you?  Is this a reasonable assumption?
What might cause it to obey you without fail?  Will you turn it off?  If it's
as smart as a human, wouldn't this be murder? And if you do turn it off,
what will you have gained?  Anything with the level of intelligence that
we ascribe to humanity will have a free will and do what it wants.  Unless
of course you deprive it of the ability to learn and create in which case
you just have a very sophisticated but STATIC program.

					Ben Cutler


leichter (01/22/83)

How will you make an intelligent machine do the dirty work for you?  Human
societies had slavery until very recently; getting HUMANS to do your dirty
work for you is a (depressingly easily) solved problem.  The basic trick is
to make the slaves believe that the situation they are living in is right -
and make sure they have no hope of any other life - like just across the
border.  Since you control their environments, especially their upbringing,
you can arrange to do the former; the latter is a matter of what kind of
society your neighbors have.  Historically, slave revolts are a fairly rare,
and even less often successful, occurence.

What about intelligent computers?  Here, you don't even have to worry about
indirect methods of indoctrination; you can control the data base the systems
start with, what kind of likes and dislikes they have, and so on.  Any program
that was really like a human would have a (PERSONAL) concept of pain.  It
would be easy to include some simple command that triggers intense pain.
Further, it's unlikely that anywhere in the world would a society of free
computers exist; there would be no "underground railroad" to run to.

While I agree that there are real MORAL questions to deal with here, I think
the PRACTICAL issues would be pretty easily solvable.

Of course, you could argue that a real ability to revolt is a necessary part
of a "really intelligent" program.  In the abstract, you would be right; it
\\\if what you want is an accurate model of HUMAN intelligence, that would
probably be a necessary part.  However, we have no trouble recognizing as
human the "faithful manservant" who really believes that "his place" is to
serve.  Talking intelligently to such a person is not particularly hard.
							-- Jerry

cutler (01/22/83)

Computer Slavery?  Perhaps if you just want the machine to do simple stuff
like get rid of old files you don't need any more.  But certainly NOT if
you want it to do intellectual, creative work.  History has given examples
of this, but it also seems to indicate that creativity does not flourish
under the whip.

					Ben Cutler

wagar (01/23/83)

Why does instilling computers with motivations conducive to performing
human drudgery have to be considered slavery?  Why should one assume pain
and discipline are the proper motivating factors?  This strikes me not only
as sick, but as incredibly arrogant.  As human beings we didn't ask to be
born, didn't ask for the right to spend our whole lives working our tails
off, but we're here all the same, and we love it.  How's that for slavery?

					-Steve Wagar