[net.ai] LISP for VAX/VMS

andy%aids-unix@sri-unix.UUCP (06/14/83)

From:  Andy Cromarty <andy@aids-unix>


If you are not concerned about maintaining compatibility with an 
existing LISP software base (e.g. MacLisp or InterLisp), then the 
"CLisp" dialect from UMass-Amherst (for VMS only) represents an 
excellent combination of highly developed LISP environment and 
efficient execution.  CLisp was developed using public funds; I
believe that it is available for the cost of a tape and mailing (i.e.
as far as I know they do not tack on a several hundred dollar
"distribution fee").  The current distributor and maintainer is Dan
Corkill at UMass-Amherst; send inquiries to


CLisp (not to be confused with the InterLisp "CLisp" syntactic-sugar 
subdialect) is a mature LISP influenced by both the MacLisp and 
InterLisp traditions but departing from both in several respects.  The
system includes substantial on-line documentation, a reasonably good 
optimizing compiler, an incarnation of the InterLisp editor, and good 
hooks into VMS subprocess and system service functions.  If I were 
working under VMS now, that's the LISP I would personally use over all
the others I know about (e.g. NIL, InterLisp, Utah's "Standard" LISP, 
Franz under Eunice, etc.).  (Unfortunately, since I'm working under 
Unix, we must struggle along with Franz.)

        cheers, asc