[net.ai] coupled systems



This is in response to the query about when to build an AI "front-end"
to an existing software system as a separate process with its own
address space, as opposed to putting more code in the existing system
to implement the AI component.  At the University of Washington we
have built a very complex graphic simulation system for planning of
radiation therapy treatments for cancer.  We are now starting to work
on a rule based expert system that will model the clinical decision
making part of the process, with the two (separate) systems to
communicate via messages.  We do this as two separate processes
because the simulation system is already a system of multiple 
concurrent processes communicating by messages, and because the
simulation system is written in PASCAL, which seems less suitable
than, for example, INTERLISP, for the AI component.  The kind of
information needed to pass between the systems also affects the
decision.  In our case, the AI system will consult the graphic
treatment planning system for answers to questions that are rather
traditionally compute intensive, eg. radiation dose calculation,
geometric calculations...so the messages are simple and well defined.