tsotsos@utcsrgv.UUCP (John Tsotsos) (07/14/83)
CALL FOR PAPERS C S C S I - 8 4 Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence University of Western Ontario London, Ontario May 18-20, 1984 The Fifth National Conference of the CSCSI will be held at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. Papers are requested in all areas of AI research, particularly those listed below. The Program Committee members responsible for these areas are included. Knowledge Representation : Ron Brachman (Fairchild R & D), John Mylopoulos (U of Toronto) Learning : Tom Mitchell (Rutgers U), Jaime Carbonell (CMU) Natural Language : Bonnie Weber (U of Pennsylvania), Ray Perrault (SRI) Computer Vision : Bob Woodham (U of British Columbia), Allen Hanson (U Mass) Robotics : Takeo Kanade (CMU), John Hollerbach (MIT) Expert Systems and Applications : Harry Pople (U of Pittsburgh), Victor Lesser (U Mass) Logic Programming : Randy Goebel (U of Waterloo), Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser U) Cognitive Modelling : Zenon Pylyshyn, Ed Stabler (U of Western Ontario) Problem Solving and Planning : Stan Rosenschein (SRI), Drew McDermott (Yale) Authors are requested to prepare Full papers, of no more than 4000 words in length, or Short papers of no more than 2000 words in length. A full page of clear diagrams counts as 1000 words. When submitting, authors must supply the word count as well as the area in which they wish their paper reviewed. (Com- binations of the above areas are acceptable). The Full paper classification is intended for well-developed ideas, with signi- ficant demonstration of validity, while the Short paper classifi- cation is intended for descriptions of research in progress. Au- thors must ensure that their papers describe original contribu- tions to or novel applications of Artificial Intelligence, re- gardless of length classification, and that the research is prop- erly compared and contrasted with relevant literature. Three copies of each submitted paper must be in the hands of the Program Chairman by December 7, 1983. Papers arriving after that date will be returned unopened, and papers lacking word count and classifications will also be returned. Papers will be fully reviewed by appropriate members of the program committee. Notice of acceptance will be sent on February 28, 1984, and final camera ready versions are due on March 31, 1984. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings. Correspondence should be addressed to either the General Chairman or the Program Chairman, as appropriate. General Chairman Program Chairman Ted Elcock, John K. Tsotsos Dept. of Computer Science, Dept. of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematical 10 King's College Rd., Sciences Bldg., University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario Toronto, Ontario, Canada, London, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A4 N6A 5B9 (416)-978-3619 (519)-679-3567
craig.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay@sri-unix.UUCP (07/20/83)
From: Craig Stanfill <craig.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay> Authors are requested to prepare Full papers, of no more than 4000 words in length, or Short papers of no more than 2000 words in length. A full page of clear diagrams counts as 1000 words ... In other words, a picture is worth a thousand words? (ick)