Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP (08/09/83)
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA> Bancilhon, F. Richard, P.* TQL, a textual query language.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 145.*1982. Bossi, A. Ghezzi, C.*Using FP as a query language for relational data-bases.* Milan. Politecnico. Dipartimento di Elettronica. Lab. di Calcolatori.*Rapporto Interno N. 82-11.*1982. Cooke, M.P.*A speech controlled information retrieval system.* U.K. National Physical Lab. Info. Technology and Computing Div.*DITC 15/83.*1983. Corson, Y.*Aspects psychologiques lies a l'interrogation d'une base de donnees.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 126.* 1982. Cosmadakis, S.S.*The complexity of evaluation relational queries.* M.I.T. Lab. for Comp.Sci.*TM-229.*1982. Daniels, D. Selinger, P. Haas, L. Lindsay, B. Mohan, C. Walker, A. Wilms, P.*An introduction to distributed query compilation in R.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3497.*1982. Gonnet, G.H.* Unstructured data bases.* Waterloo U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Res.Rpt. CS-82-09.*1982. Griswold, R.E.*The control of searching and backtracking in string pattern matching.* Arizona U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*TR 82-20.*1982. Grosky, W.I.*Towards a data model for integrated pictorial databases.* Wayne State U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*CSC-82-012.* 1982. Haas, L.M. Selinger, P.G. Bertino, E. Daniels, D. Lindsay, B. Lohman, G. Masunaga, Y. Mogan, C. Ng, P. Wilms, P. Yost, R.* R*: a research project on distributed relational DBMS.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3653.*1982. Hailpern, B.T. Korth, H.F.*An experimental distributed database system.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RC 9678.*1982. Jenny, C.*Methodologies for placing files and processes in systems with decentralized intelligence.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RZ 1139.*1982. Kanasaki, K. Yamaguchi, K. Kunii, T.L.*A software development system supported by a database of structures and operations.* Tokyo U. Info.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 82-15.*1982. Klug, A.*On conjunctive queries containing inequalities.* Wisconsin U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*Tech.Rpt. 477.*1982. Konikowska, B.* Information systems: on queries containing k-ary descriptors.* Polish Academy of Sciences. Inst. of Comp.Sci.*ICS PAS rpt. no. 466.*1982. Lochovsky, F.H.* Alpha beta, edited by F.H. Lochovsky.* Toronto U. Comp. Systems Res. Group.*CSRG-143.*1982. Contents: (1) Lochovsky, F.H. Tsichritzis, D.C.* Interactive query language for external data bases; (2) Mendelzon, A.O.*A database editor; (3) Lee, D.L.*A voice response system for an office information system; (4) Gibbs, S.J.* Office information models and the representation of 'office objects'; (5) Martin, P.* Tsichritzis, D.C.*A message management model; (6) Nierstrasz, O.*Tsichritzis, D.C.* Message flow modeling; (7) Tsichritzis, D.C. Christodoulakis, S. Faloutsos, C.* Design considerations for a message file server. Lohman, G.M. Stoltzfus, J.C. Benson, A.N. Martin, M.D. Cardenas, A.F.* Remotely sensed geophysical databases: experience and implications for generalized DBMS.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3794.*1983. Madelaine, E.*Le systeme perluette et les preuves de representation de types abstraits.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 133.*1982. Maier, D. Ullman, J.D.* Fragments of relations.* Stanford U. Comp.Sci.Dept.*STAN-CS-82-929.*1982. 11p. Michard, A.*A new database query language for non-professional users: design principles and ergonomic evaluation.* INRIA.*Rapport de Recherche 127.*1982. Ng, P.* Distributed compilation and recompilation of database queries.* IBM Watson Res. Center.*RJ 3375.*1982. Srivas, M.K.*Automatic synthesis of implementations for abstract data types from algebraic specifications.* M.I.T. Lab for Comp.Sci.*TR-276, Ph.D. Thesis. Srivas, M.K. (This report is a minor revision of a thesis of the same title submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in December 1981).*1982. Stabler, E.P. Jr.* Database and theorem prover designs for question answering systems.* Western Ontario U. Cognitive Science Centre.*COGMEM 12.*1982. Stamos, J.W.*A large object oriented virtual memory: grouping strategies, measurements, and performance.* Xerox. Palo Alto Res. Center.*SCG-82-02.*1982. Wald, J.A. Sorenson, P.G.*Resolving the query inference problem using Steiner trees.* Saskatchewan U. Computational Sci.Dept.*Rpt.83-04.*1983. Weyer, S.A.* Searching for information in a dynamic book.* Xerox. Palo Alto Res. Center.*SCG-82-01, Ph.D. Thesis. Weyer, S.A. (Stanford University).*1982.