[net.ai] SUNs, 3600s, and Lisp

fateman%ucbkim@Berkeley@sri-unix.UUCP (08/12/83)

From:  fateman%ucbkim@Berkeley (Richard Fateman)

         [Reprinted from the Info-Graphics discussion list.]


In answer to Fred's original query, (I replied to him personally
earlier ), Franz has been running on a SUN since January, 1983.  We
find it runs Lisp faster than a VAX 750, and with expected performance
improvements, may be close to a VAX 780. (= about 2.5 to 4 times
slower than a KL-10).  This makes it almost irrelevant using Franz on
a VAX.  Yet more specifically in answer to FRD's question, Franz on
the SUN has full access to the graphics software on it, and one could
set up inter-process communication between a Franz on a VAX and
something else (e.g. Franz) on a SUN. A system for shipping smalltalk
pictures to SUNs runs at UCB.

  Franz runs on other 68000 UNIX workstations, including Pixel, Dual,
and Apple Lisa.  Both Interlisp-D and MIT LispMachine Lisp have more 
highly developed graphics stuff at the moment.

  As far as other lisps, I would expect PSL and T, which run on Apollo
Domain 68000 systems, to be portable towards the SUN, and I would not
be surprised if other systems turn up.  For the moment though, Franz
seems to be alone.  Most programs run on the SUN without change (e.g.