[net.ai] NL argument between STLH and Pereira

Robert.Frederking%CMU-CS-CAD@sri-unix.UUCP (09/27/83)

Several comments in the last message in this exchange seemed worthy of
comment.  I think my basic sympathies lie with STLH, although he
overstates his case a bit.

While language is indeed a "fuzzy thing", there are different shades
of correctness, with some sentences being completely right, some with
one obvious *error*, which is noticed by the hearer and corrected,
while others are just a mess, with the hearer guessing the right
answer.  This is similar in some ways to error-correcting codes, where
after enough errors, you can't be sure anymore which interpretation is
correct.  This doesn't say much about whether the underlying ideal is
best expressed by a grammar.  I don't think it is, for NL, but the
reason has more to do with the fact that the categories people use in
language seem to include semantics in a rather pervasive way, so that
making a major distinction between grammatical (language-specific,
arbitrary) and other knowledge (semantics) might not be the best
approach.  I could go on at length about this (in fact I'm currently
working on a Tech Report discussing this idea), but I won't, unless

As for ignoring human cognition, some AI people do ignore it, but
others (especially here at C-MU) take it very seriously.  This seems
to be a major division in the field -- between those who think the
best search path is to go for what the machine seems best suited for,
and those who want to use the human set-up as a guide.  It seems to me
that the best solution is to let both groups do their thing --
eventually we'll find out which path (or maybe both) was right.

I read with interest your description of your system -- I am currently
working on a semantic chart parser that sounds fairly similar to your
brief description, except that it is written in OPS5.  Thus I was
surprised at the statement that OPS5 has "no capacity for the
parallelism" needed.  OPS5 users suffer from the fact that there are
some fairly non-obvious but simple ways to build powerful data
structures in it, and these have not been documented.  Fortunately, a
production system primer is currently being written by a group headed
by Elaine Kant.  Anyway, I have an as-yet-unaccepted paper describing
my OPS5 parser available, if anyone is interested.

As for scientific "camps" in AI, part of the reason for this seems to
be the fact that AI is a very new science, and often none of the
warring factions have proved their points.  The same thing happens in
other sciences, when a new theory comes out, until it is proven or
disproven.  In AI, *all* the theories are unproven, and everyone gets
quite excited.  We could probably use a little more of the "both
schools of thought are probably partially correct" way of thinking,
but AI is not alone in this.  We just don't have a solid base of
proven theory to anchor us (yet).

In regard to the call for a theory which explains all aspects of
language behavior, one could answer "any Turing-equivalent computer".
The real question is, how *specifically* do you get it to work?  Any
claim like "my parser can easily be extended to do X" is more or less
moot, unless you've actually done it.  My OPS5 parser is embedded in a
Turing-equivalent production system language.  I can therefore
guarantee that if any computer can do language learning, so can my
program.  The question is, how?  The way linguists have often wanted
to answer "how" is to define grammars that are less than
Turing-equivalent which can do the job, which I suspect is futile when
you want to include semantics.  In any event, un-implemented
extensions of current programs are probably always much harder than
they appear to be.

(As an aside about sentences as fundamental structures, there is a
two-prong answer: (1) Sentences exist in all human languages.  They
appear to be the basic "frame" [I can hear nerves jarring all over the
place] or unit for human communication of packets of information.  (2)
Some folks have actually tried to define grammars for dialogue
structures.  I'll withhold comment.)

In short, I think warring factions aren't that bad, as long as they
all admit that no one has proven anything yet (which is definitely not
always the case), semantic chart parsing is the way to go for NL,
theories that explain all of cognitive science will be a long time in
coming, and that no one should accept a claim about AI that hasn't
been implemented.