I can understand the concern of researcher people about censorship. However, having worked with an agency which spent time extracting information of a classified nature from unclassified or semi-secure sources, I have to say that people not trained in such pursuits are usually very poor judges of the difference between necessary efforts to curb flow of classified information and "censorship". I can also guarantee that this country's government is not the alone in knowing how to misuse the results of research carried out with the most noble of intents. Next, to the subject of self-awareness. The tendency of an individual to see his/her corporal self as distinct from the *I* experience or to see others as robots or a kind of illusion is sufficient to win a tag of 'schizophrenic' from any psychiatrist and various other negative reactions from those involved in other schools of the psychological community. Beyond that, the above tendencies make relating to 'real' world phenomena very difficult. That semi coming around the curve will continue to follow through on the illusion of having smashed those just recently discontinued illusions in the on-coming car. Guy