[net.ai] writing analysis

KARL%MIT-MC@sri-unix.UUCP (10/31/83)

From:  Karl A. Nyberg <KARL @ MIT-MC>

I am interested in programs that people might know of that give word
distributions, sentence lengths, etc., so as to gauge the complexity of
articles.  I'd also like to know if anyone could point me to any models
that specify that complexity in terms of these sorts of measurements.
Let me know if any programs you might know of are particular to any text
formatter, programming language, or operating system.  Thanks.

-- Karl --

[Such capabilities are included in recent versions of the Unix
operating system. -- KIL]

LIN%MIT-ML@sri-unix.UUCP (11/02/83)

From:  Herb Lin <LIN @ MIT-ML>

You might want to take a look at some of the stuff by R. Flesch
who is the primary exponent of a system that takes word and sentence
and paragraph lengths and turns it into grade-equivalent reading
scores.  It's somewhat controversial.

[E.g., The Art of Readable Writing.  Or, "A New Readability Index",
J. of Applied Psychology, 1948, 32, 221-233.  References to other
authors are also given in Cherry and Vesterman's writeup of the
STYLE and DICTION systems included in Berkeley Unix.  -- KIL]