[net.ai] The AI Challenge

rej%Cornell@sri-unix.UUCP (11/19/83)

From:  rej@Cornell (Ralph Johnson)

The recent discussions on AIlist have been boring, so I have another
idea for discussion.  I see no evidence that that AI is going to make
as much of a change on the world as data processing or information
retrieval.  While research in AI has produced many results in side areas
such as computer languages, computer architecture, and programming
environments, none of the past promises of AI (automatic language
translation, for example) have been fulfilled.  Why should I expect
anything more in the future?

I am a soon-to-graduate PhD candidate at Cornell.  Since Cornell puts
little emphasis on AI, I decided to learn a little on my own.  Most AI
literature is hard to read, as very little concrete is said.  The best
book that I read (best for someone like me, that is) was the three-volume
"Handbook on Artificial Intelligence".  One interesting observation was
that I already knew a large percentage of the algorithms.  I did not
even think of most of them as being AI algorithms.  The searching
algorithms (with the exception of alpha beta pruning) are used in many
areas, and algorithms that do logical deduction are part of computational
mathematics (just my opinion, as I know some consider this hard core AI).
Algorithms in areas like computer vision were completely new, but I could
see no relationship between those algorithms and algorithms in programs
called "expert systems", another hot AI topic.

  [Agreed, but the gap is narrowing.  There have been 1 or 2 dozen

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rej%Cornell@sri-unix.UUCP (11/19/83)

From:  rej@Cornell (Ralph Johnson)

The recent discussions on AIlist have been boring, so I have another
idea for discussion.  I see no evidence that that AI is going to make
as much of a change on the world as data processing or information
retrieval.  While research in AI has produced many results in side areas
such as computer languages, computer architecture, and programming
environments, none of the past promises of AI (automatic language
translation, for example) have been fulfilled.  Why should I expect
anything more in the future?

I am a soon-to-graduate PhD candidate at Cornell.  Since Cornell puts
little emphasis on AI, I decided to learn a little on my own.  Most AI
literature is hard to read, as very little concrete is said.  The best
book that I read (best for someone like me, that is) was the three-volume
"Handbook on Artificial Intelligence".  One interesting observation was
that I already knew a large percentage of the algorithms.  I did not
even think of most of them as being AI algorithms.  The searching
algorithms (with the exception of alpha beta pruning) are used in many
areas, and algorithms that do logical deduction are part of computational
mathematics (just my opinion, as I know some consider this hard core AI).
Algorithms in areas like computer vision were completely new, but I could
see no relationship between those algorithms and algorithms in programs
called "expert systems", another hot AI topic.

  [Agreed, but the gap is narrowing.  There have been 1 or 2 dozen
  good AI/vision dissertations, but the chief link has been that many
  individuals and research departments interested in one area have
  also been interested in the other.  -- KIL]

As for expert systems, I could see no relationship between one expert system
and the next.  An expert system seems to be a program that uses a lot of
problem-related hacks to usually come up with the right answer.  Some of
the "knowledge representation" schemes (translated "data structures") are
nice, but everyone seems to use different ones.  I have read several tech
reports describing recent expert systems, so I am not totally ignorant.
What is all the noise about?  Why is so much money being waved around?
There seems to be nothing more to expert systems than to other complicated

  [My own somewhat heretical view is that the "expert system" title
  legitimizes something that every complicated program has been found
  to need: hackery.  A rule-based system is sufficiently modular that
  it can be hacked hundreds of times before it is so cumbersome
  that the basic structures must be rewritten.  It is software designed
  to grow, as opposed to the crystalline gems of the "optimal X" paradigm.
  The best expert systems, of course, also contain explanatory capabilities,
  hierarchical inference, constrained natural language interfaces, knowledge
  base consistency checkers, and other useful features.  -- KIL]

I know that numerical analysis and compiler writing are well developed fields
because there is a standard way of thinking that is associated with each
area and because a non-expert can use tools provided by experts to perform
computation or write a parser without knowing how the tools work.  In fact,
a good test of an area within computer science is whether there are tools
that a non-expert can use to do things that, ten years ago, only experts
could do.  Is there anything like this in AI?  Are there natural language
processors that will do what YACC does for parsing computer languages?

There seem to be a number of answers to me:

1)  Because of my indoctrination at Cornell, I categorize much of the
    important results of AI in other areas, thus discounting the achievements
    of AI.

2)  I am even more ignorant than I thought, and you will enlighten me.

3)  Although what I have said describes other areas of AI pretty much, yours
    is an exception.

4)  Although what I have said describes past results of AI, major achievements
    are just around the corner.

5)  I am correct.

You may be saying to yourself, "Is this guy serious?"  Well, sort of.  In
any case, this should generate more interesting and useful information
than trying to define intelligence, so please treat me seriously.

        Ralph Johnson

dietz%usc-cse%USC-ECL%SRI-NIC@sri-unix.UUCP (11/21/83)

I too am skeptical about expert systems.  Their attraction seems to be
as a kind of intellectual dustbin into which difficulties can be swept.
Have a hard problem that you don't know (or that no one knows) how to
solve?  Build an expert system for it.

Ken Laws' idea of an expert system as a very modular, hackable program
is interesting.  A theory or methodology on how to hack programs would
be interesting and useful, but would become another AI spinoff, I fear.

leff@smu.UUCP (11/24/83)

smu!leff    Nov 23 08:44:00 1983

There was a recent discussion of an AI project that was done at
ONR on determining the cause of a chemical spill in a large chemical
plant with various ducts and pipes and manholes, etc.  I argued that
the thing was just an application of graph algorithms and searching

(That project was what could be done in three days by an AI team as
part of a challenge from ONR and quite possibly is not representative.)

Theorem proving using resolution is something that someone with just
a normal algorithms background would not simply come up with 'as an
application of normal algorithms.'  Using IF then rules perhaps might
be a search of the type you might see an algorithms book.  Although, I
don't expect the average CS person with a background in algorithms to
come up with that application although once it was pointed out it would
be quite intuitive.

One interesting note is that although most of the AI stuff is done in
LISP, a big theorem proving program discussed by Wos at a recent IEEE
meeting here was written in PASCAL.  It did some very interesting things.
One point that was made is that they submitted a paper to a logic journal.
Although the journal agreed the results were worth publishing, the "computer
stuff" had to go.

Continuing on this rambling aside, some people submitted results in
mechanical engineering using a symbolic manipulator referenceing the use
of the program in a footnote.  The poor referree (sp?) conscientiously
tried to duplicate the derivations manually.  Finally he noticed the
reference and sent a letter back saying that they must put symbolic
manipulation by computer in the covering.

Getting back to the original subject, I had a discussion with someone 
doing research in daemons.  After he explained to me what daemons were,
I came to the conclusion they were a fancy name for what you described
as a hack.  A straightforward application of theorem proving or if then
rule techniques would be inefficient or otherwise infeasable so one
puts an exception in to handle a certain kind of a case.  What is the
difference between that an error handler for zero divides rather than
putting a statement everywhere one does a division?

Along the subject of hacking, a DATAMATION article on 'Real Programmers
Don't Use PASCAL.' in which he complained about the demise of the person
who would modify a program on the fly using the switch register, etc.
He remarkeed at the end that some of the debugging techniques in
LISP AI environments were starting to look like the old style techniques
of assembler hackers.

notes@pur-ee.UUCP (11/25/83)

ecn-ee!davy    Nov 24 21:47:00 1983

As an aside to this discussion, I'm curious as to just what everyone
thinks of when they think of AI.

I am a student at Purdue, which has absolutely nothing in the way of 
courses on what *I* consider AI.  I have done a little bit of reading
on natural language processing, but other than that, I haven't had
much of anything in the way of instruction on this stuff, so maybe I'm
way off base here, but when I think of AI, I primarily think of:

	1) Natural Language Processing, first and foremost.  In
	   this, I include being able to "read" it and understand
	   it, along with being able to "speak" it.
	2) Computers "knowing" things - i.e., stuff along the
	   lines of the famous "blocks world", where the "computer"
	   has notions of pyramids, boxes, etc.
	3) Computers/programs which can pass the Turing test (I've
	   always thought that ELIZA sort of passes this test, at
	   least in the sense that lots of people actually think
	   the computer understood their problems).
	4) Learning programs, like the tic-tac-toe programs that
	   remember that "that" didn't work out, only on a much
	   more grandiose scale.
	5) Speech recognition and understanding (see #1).

For some reason, I don't think of pattern recognition (like analyzing
satellite data) as AI.  After all, it seems to me that this stuff is
mostly just "if <cond 1> it's trees, if <cond 2> it's a road, etc.",
which doesn't really seem like "intelligence".

What do you think of when I say "Artificial Intelligence"?  Note that 
I'm NOT asking for a definition of AI, I don't think there is one.  I
just want to know what you consider AI, and what you consider "other"

Another question -- assuming the (very) hypothetical situation where 
computers and their programs could be made to be "infinitely" intelligent,
what is your "dream program" that you'd love to see written, even though
it realistically will probably never be possible?  Jokingly, I've always
said that my dream is to write a "compiler that does what I meant, not
what I said".

--Dave Curry