[net.ai] Clarifying my 'AI Challange'

Anonymous@uicsl.UUCP (11/29/83)

uicsl!Anonymous    Nov 28 09:10:00 1983

re: The Great Promises of AI

Beware the promises of used car salesmen.  The press has stories to
sell, and so do the more extravagant people within AI.  Remember that
may of these people had to work hard to convince grantmakers that AI
was worth their money, back in the days before practical applications
of expert systems began to pay off.

It is important to distinguish the promises of AI from the great
fantasies that have been speculated by the media (and some AI
researchers) in a fit of science fiction.  AI applications will
certainly be diverse and widespread (thanks no less to the VLSI
people).  However, I hope that none of us really believes that machines
will possess human general intelligence any time soon.  We banter about
such stuff hoping that when ideas fly, at least some of them will be
good ones.  The reality is that nobody sees a clear and brightly lit
path from here to super-intelligent robots.  Rather we see hundreds of
problems to be solved.  Each solution should bring our knowledge and
the capabilities of our programs incrementally forward.  But lets not
kid ourselves about the complexity of the problems.  As it has already
been pointed out, AI is tackling the hard problems -- the ones for
which nobody knows any algorithms.