From: Ray Perrault <RPERRAULT@SRI-AI.ARPA> American Journal of Computational Linguistics The American Journal of Computational Linguistics is planning a special issue devoted to the Mathematical Properties of Linguistic Theories. Papers are hereby requested on the generative capacity of various syntactic formalisms as well as the computational complexity of their related recognition and parsing algorithms. Articles on the significance (and the conditions for the significance) of such results are also welcome. All papers will be subjected to the normal refereeing process and must be accepted by the Editor-in-Chief, James Allen. In order to allow for publication in Fall 1984, five copies of each paper should be sent by March 31, 1984 to the special issue editor, C. Raymond Perrault Arpanet: Rperrault@sri-ai SRI International Telephone: (415) 859-6470 EK268 Menlo Park, CA 94025. Indication of intention to submit would also be appreciated.