From: Philip E. Agre <AGRE%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA> [Reprinted from the MIT-AI bboard.] AI Revolving Seminar Walter Hamscher Diagnostic reasoning for digital devices with static storage elements Wendesday 14 December 83 4PM 545 Tech Sq 8th floor playroom We view diagnosis as a process of reasoning from anomalous observations to a set of components whose failure could explain the observed misbehaviors. We call these components "candidates." Diagnosing a misbehaving piece of hardware can be viewed as a process of generating, discriminating among, and refining these candidates. We wish to perform this diagnosis by using an explicit representation of the hardware's structure and function. Our candidate generation methodology is based on the notions of dependency directed backtracking and local propagation of constraints. This methodology works well for devices without storage elements such as flipflops. This talk presents a representation for the temporal behavior of digital devices which allows devices with storage elements to be treated much the same as combinatorial devices for the purpose of candidate generation. However, the straightforward adaptation requires solutions to subproblems that are severely underconstrained. This in turn leads to an overly conservative and not terribly useful candidate generator. There exist mechanism-oriented solutions such as value enumeration, propagation of variables, and slices; we review these and then demonstrate what domain knowledge can be used to motivate appropriate uses of those techniques. Beyond this use of domain knowledge within the current representation, there are alternative perspectives on the problem which offer some promise of alleviating the lack of constraint.