From:  Juanita Mullen  <MULLEN@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>

         [Reprinted from the Stanford SIGLUNCH distribution.]

Friday,   January 20, 1984   12:05

LOCATION: Chemistry Gazebo, between Physical & Organic Chemistry

SPEAKER:  Harold Brown
          Stanford University

TOPIC:    Palladio:  An Exploratory Environment for Circuit Design

Palladio is an environment for experimenting with design methodologies
and  knowledge-based  design   aids.   It  provides   the  means   for
constructing, testing  and incrementally  modifying design  tools  and
languages.  Palladio  is  a  testbed for  investigationg  elements  of
design including  specification,  simulation, refinement  and  use  of
previous designs.

For  the  designer,   Palladio  supports  the   construction  of   new
specification languages  particular to  the design  task at  hand  and
augmentation of  the  system's  expert knowledge  to  reflect  current
design goals  and constraints.   For the  design environment  builder,
Palladio provides several  programming paradigms:  rule based,  object
oriented,  data   oriented  and   logical  reasoning   based.    These
capabilities are largely provided by two of the programming systems in
which Palladio is implemented: LOOPS and MRS.

In this talk,  we will  describe the  basic design  concepts on  which
Palladio is  based,  give  examples  of  knowledge-based  design  aids
developed   within   the   environment,   and   describe    Palladio's