[net.ai] Rivest Forsythe Lecture on Learning


From:  Armar Archbold <ARCHBOLD@SRI-AI.ARPA>

[The following is a review of a Stanford talk, "Reflections on AI", by
Dr. Ron Rivest of MIT.  I have edited the original slightly after getting
Armar's permission to pass it along.  -- KIL]

Dr. Rivest's  talk  emphasized  the interest of small-scale studies of
learning through experience (a "critter"  with  a  few  sensing  and
effecting operations building up a world model of a blocks environment).
He stressed such familiar themes as

   - "the evolutionary function and value of world  models  is  predicting
     the  future,  and  consequently  knowledge is composed principally of
     expectations, possibilities, hypotheses -  testable  action-sensation
     sequences, at the lowest level of sophistication",

   - "the  field  of  AI  has  focussed  more  on 'backdoor AI', where you
     directly  program  in   data   structures   representing   high-level
     knowledge,  than  on  'front-door' AI, which studies how knowledge is
     built up from non-verbal experience, or 'side door AI', which studies
     how knowledge might be gained through teaching and instruction  using

   - such a study of simple learning systems in a simple environment -- in
     which an agent with a given  vocabulary  but  little  or  no  initial
     knowledge  ("tabula  rasa")  investigates  the  world (either through
     active experiementation or through changes imposed  by  perturbations
     in  the  surroundings)  and  attempts  to  construct a useful body of
     knowledge   through   recognition   of   identities,    equivalences,
     symmetries,  homomorphisms,  etc.,  and  eventually  metapatterns, in
     action-sensation chains (represented perhaps in dynamic logic) --  is
     of considerable interest.

Such concepts are not new. There have been many mathematical studies,
psychological similations, and AI explorations along the lines since the
50s.  At SRI, Stan Rosenschein was playing around with a simplified learning
critter about a year ago; Peter Cheeseman shares Rivest's interest in
Jaynes' use of entropy calculations to induce safe hypotheses in an
overwhelmingly profuse space of possibilities.  Even so, these concerns
were worth having reactivated by a talk.  The issues raised by some of the
questions from the audience were also intesting, albeit familiar:

   - The critter which starts out with a tabula rasa  will  only  make  it
     through  the  enormous  space  of  possible  patterns induceable from
     experience if it initially "knows" an awful lot about how  to  learn,
     at  whatever  level  of  procedural  abstraction  and/or  "primitive"
     feature selection (such as that done at the level of the eye itself).

   - Do we call intelligence the procedures that permit one to gain useful
     knowledge (rapidly), or the knowledge thus gained, or what mixture of

   - In addition, there is the question  of  what  motivational  structure
     best furthers the critter's education.  If the critter attaches value
     to  minimum  surprise (various statistical/entropy measures thereof),
     it can sit in a corner and do nothing, in which case it may  one  day
     suddenly  be very surprised and very dead.  If it attaches tremendous
     value to surprise, it could just flip a coin and always  be  somewhat
     surprised.    The  mix  between repetition (non-surprise/confirmatory
     testing) and exploration which produces the best cognitive system  is
     a  fundamental  problem.   And there is the notion of "best" - "best"
     given the critter's values other than curiosity, or "best"  in  terms
     of  survivability,  or  "best"  in  a  kind  of  Occam's  razor sense
     vis-a-vis truth (here it was commented you could rank Carnapian world
     models based on the  simple  primitive  predicates  using  Kolmogorov
     complexity measures, if one could only calculate the latter...)

   - The  success  or  failure  of the critter to acquire useful knowledge
     depends very much on the particular world it is placed in.    Certain
     sequences  of  stimuli will produce learning and others won't, with a
     reasonable, simple learning procedure.  In simple artificial  worlds,
     it  is possible to form some kind of measure of the complexity of the
     environment by seeing what the minimum length action-sensation chains
     are which are true regularities.  Here there is  another  traditional
     but  fascinating question: what are the best worlds for learning with
     respect to  critters  of  a  given  type  -  if  the  world  is  very
     stochastic,  nothing  can  be learned in time; if the world is almost
     unchanging, there is little motivation to learn and  precious  little
     data about regular covariances to learn from.

     Indeed,  in  psychological studies, there are certain sequences which
     will bolster reliance on certain conclusions to such an  extent  that
     those    conclusions    become    (illegitimately)   protected   from
     disconfirmation.  Could one recreate this phenomenon  with  a  simple
     learning  critter  with a certain motivational structure in a certain
     kind of world?

Although these issues seemed familiar, the talk certainly could stimulate
the general public.

                                                                 Cheers - Armar