[net.ai] Cybernetics Congress

lipp@ccvaxa.UUCP (02/01/84)

ccvaxa!lipp    Jan 20 10:23:00 1984

6th International Congress of the World Organisation
        of General Systems and Cybernetics
        10--14 September 1984
        Paris, France
9This transdisciplinary congress will present the contemporary aspects of  cyber-
netics and of systems, and examine their different currents.
9The proposed topics include both methods and domains of cybernetics and systems:
91) foundations, epistemology, analogy, modelisation, general methods of systems,
history of cybernetics and systems science ideas.
92) information, organisation, morphogenesis, self-reference, autonomy.
93) dynamic systems, complex systems, fuzzy systems.
94) physico-chemical systems.
95) technical systems:  automatics,  simulation,  robotics,  artificial  intelli-
gence, learning.
96)  biological  systems:   ontogenesis,  physiology,  systemic  therapy,  neuro-
cybernetics, ethology, ecology.
97) human and social systems:  economics, development, anthropology,  management,
education, planification.

for further information:
9                                     WOGSC
                               Comite de lecture
                               156, Bld. Pereire
                             F 75017 Paris, France
Those who want to attend the congress are urged to register by writing to AFCET,
at the above address, as soon as possible.