[net.ai] SIGLUNCH ANNOUNCEMENT -- Friday, March 9, 1984


From:  Juanita Mullen  <MULLEN@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>

      [Forwarded from the SIGLUNCH distribution by Laws@SRI-AI.]

Friday,   March 9, 1984
LOCATION: Braun Lecture Hall (smaller), ground floor of Seeley Mudd
          Chemistry Building (approx. 30 yards west of Gazebo)

SPEAKER:  Ben Grosof
          Stanford University, HPP

          Issues in Reasoning with Probabilistic Statements

BACKGROUND:     Reasoning with probabilistic knowledge and evidence is
a key aspect of  many AI systems.  MYCIN  and PROSPECTOR were  pioneer
efforts but were limited and  unsatisfactory in several ways.   Recent
methods  address  many  problems.    The  Maximum  Entropy   principle
(sometimes called  Least  Information)  provides  a  new  approach  to
probabilities. The Dempster-Shafer theory  of evidence provides a  new
approach to confirmation and disconfirmation.

THE TALK: We begin by relating probabilistic statements to logic.   We
then  review  the  motivations  and  shortcomings  of  the  MYCIN  and
PROSPECTOR  approaches.   Maximum  Entropy  and  Dempster-Shafer   are
presented, and recent work using them is surveyed.  (This is your  big
chance to  get up  to date!)   We  generalize both  to a  paradigm  of
inequality constraints on  probabilities.  This  paradigm unifies  the
heretofore divergent  representations  of probability  and  evidential
confirmation in  a formally  satisfactory  way.  Least  commitment  is
natural.  The interval  representation for  probabilities includes  in
effect a meta-level which allows  explicit treatment of ignorance  and
partial information,  confidence  and  precision,  and  (in)dependence
assumptions.  Using bounds  facilitates reasoning ABOUT  probabilities
and evidence.  We extend the Dempster-Shafer theory significantly  and
make an  argument  for  its  potential,  both  representationally  and
computationally.  Finally we list some open problems in reasoning with