[net.ai] Procedural Learning


From:  "Daniel S. Weld" <WELD%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>

            [Forward from the MIT bboard by SASW@MIT-MC.]

         Wednesday, March 14     4:00pm   8th floor playroom

          Acquisition of Procedural Knowledge from Examples

                            P. M. Andreae

  I will describe NODDY - a system that acquires procedures from
examples.  NODDY is a variation of concept learning in which the
concepts to be learned are procedures in the form of simple robot
programs.  The procedures are acquired by generalising examples
obtained by leading a robot through a sequence of steps.  Three
distinct types of generalisation are involved: structure
generalisation (eg. loops and branches), event generalisation (eg. the
branching conditions), and function induction.
  I will also discuss two principles that arise out
of, and are illustrated by, NODDY.  I claim that these principles have
application, not only to procedure acquisition, but also to any system
that does partial matching and/or generalisation of any kind.