[net.ai] Computational Linguistics


From:  C.S./Math Library <LIBRARY@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

                [Reprinted from the SU-SCORE BBoard.]

Computers and Mathematics with Applications volume 9 number 1 1983 is
a special issue on comutational linguistics.  This issue is currently 
on the new journals shelf.  HL


From:  "Daniel S. Weld" <WELD%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>

           [Forwarded from the MIT bboard by SASW@MIT-MC.]

Wednesday, March 21     4:00pm      8th floor playroom

De-mystifying Modern Grammatical Theory and Artificial Intelligence
Robert Berwick

It has frequently been suggested that modern linguistic theory is
irreconcilably at odds with a ``computational'' view of human
linguistic abilities.  In fact, linguistic theory provides a rich
source of constraints for the computationalist.  In this talk I will
outline some of the key changes in grammatical theory from the mid 60's to
the present day that support this claim, and at the same time try to
dispel a number of myths:

Myth: Modern grammars are made up of large numbers of rules that
one cannot ``implement.''

Myth: Modern grammars are not relevant to computational models
of language processing.

Myth: Knowledge that you can order hamburgers in restaurants
aids *on-line* syntactic processing.