mdg@ariel.UUCP (04/26/84)
<I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone> Please take note of the dates in the excerpts of a posting. I would love to consider attending some of the seminars and lectures annouced on the net. HOWEVER, even if I lived in Mass. I'd have a problem with this one. At least this person put all in essentials at the top. They even let us know where in general it was at. (Some posters expect all of us to be able to figure out the location by only a room number and building. No state, no city, not even a campus name or ZIP.) From Relay-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site Path: From: Newsgroups: Subject: Seminar - XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXX Message-ID: Date: Thu, 19-Apr-84 12:34:36 EST Posted: Thu Apr 19 12:34:36 1984 Date-Received: Thu, 26-Apr-84 04:15:47 EST Lines: 32 [Forwarded from the MIT bboard by YYYY@ZZZZ ANNALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE SEMINAR DATE: Friday, April 20th, 1984 TIME: Refreshments 12:00 noon PLACE: MIT AI Lab 8th Floor Playroom PLEASE DON'T STOP POSTING! Just be a little more aware of us ignorant cretans who don't have an ivory league back- ground and can tell your school by the color of my CRT display (I mean tie). Michael D. Gale contractor- AT&T-ISL