westlake%AEROSPACE@sri-unix.UUCP (06/12/84)
From: Philip Westlake <westlake@AEROSPACE> APL Users Group Meeting The Aerospace Corporation APL Users Group is honored to present: Dr. Zdenek V. Jizbz and Ms. Phuong T. Nguyen of Chevron Oil Field Research Co., La Habra, California Speaking on: "Artificial Intelligence and APL with Nested Arrays" Wednesday, June 13, 1984 1:00 pm A1/1062 The Aerospace Corporation The Chevron Oil Field The Chevron Oil Field Research Company of La Habra, California has been doing some research on Expert Systems implemented in nested array APL and they are pleased with the rapid progress that they have achieved in a relatively short time due to the power of nested array APL. A vector of nested vectors can be matched to a tree structure. The utility of this relationship, however, is relatively limited because nodes and branches are implicit (not explicit). By adding a convention similar to that of polish notation, modes can be made explicit. A special type of nested vector called a scalar tree will be defined. The following powerful properties of scalar trees will be illustrated: 1. The possibility to separate syntactic constructs from semantics 2. The ability to form AND/OR trees of arbitrary complexity, and application of DeMorgan's law to such trees with a single one-character APL primitive function. 3. The simplicity of building (primitive) inference engines in just a few lines of APL code. There will be three lectures lasting about 50 minutes each. Dr. Jizba will be giving the first two lectures and Ms. Nguyen will be giving the third lecture. Lecture 1 Define Artificial Intelligence. Describe basic idea of Expert Systems. Compare LISP to APL with nested arrays. Define tree structures, and describe the specific concept of an APL scalar tree. Show how recursuve functions are used to operate on nested arrays. Lecture 2 Introduce Predicate Calculus, and illustrate how it can be implemented using APL nested structures. Describe Production rules, and Inference Engine in APL implementation. Describe DRIVER function that allows English-like communication with user. Lecture 3 (PTN) Understanding a sentence. Kinds of sentences. Global and local dictionaries. Meaning. Syntactic sentences. History trace. Handling of misspelled words and phrases. U.S. Citizenship required in order to attend the presentation.