Robert.Frederking@CMU-CS-CAD.ARPA (06/25/84)
There is a good article in the Winter 83 AI Magazine (4;4) about non-logical AI (it is a rebuttal to Nils Nilsson's Presidential Address at AAAI-83). The authors point out that certain problems are intractable if dealt with symbolically, whereas they are easily solved if one uses real numbers and ordinary math. I suspect that the human brain uses a combination of analog and digital/symbolic processing, and that some cases of intuition might arise from the results of an analog computation into which introspection is not possible. As for Ken Laws's comment about switching to a new optimal strategy at each step (rather than Berliner's smoothing of transitions), one of the things he is trying to get around is the "horizon effect", where the existance of a sharp cut-off in the program's evaluation makes it think that postponing a problem solves it (since you no longer see the problem if it is pushed back over your horizon). In other words, perhaps the optimal strategy at each point *is* a non-linear combination of several discrete strategies. Also, I think it is a mistake to say that "pattern-matching" and "reasoning" are different things. After all, one must pattern-match in order to find appropriate objects to combine with an inference rule (obvious in OPS5, but also true in PROLOG). The question at hand is perhaps more whether one is allowed to use logically unsound inferences (a.k.a. heuristics).