[net.ai] Logic Programming Symposium

PEREIRA@SRI-AI.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP (09/01/83)

This is a reminder that the September 1 deadline for submissions to
the IEEE Logic Programming Symposium, to be held in Atlantic City,
New Jersey, February 6-9, 1984, has now all but arrived.  If you are
planning to submit a paper, you are urged to do so without further
delay.  Send ten double-spaced copies to the Technical Chairman:

	Doug DeGroot, IBM Watson Research Center
	PO Box 218, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Degroot.YKTVMV.IBM%Rand-Relay@sri-unix.UUCP (11/22/83)

From:  Doug DeGroot <Degroot.YKTVMV.IBM@Rand-Relay>

                 [Excerpt from a notice in the Prolog Digest.]

               1984 International Symposium on Logic Programming

                               February 6-9, 1984

                           Atlantic City, New Jersey
                           BALLY'S PARK PLACE CASINO

                     Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society

          For more information contact PERIERA@SRI-AI or:

               Registration - 1984 ISLP
               Doug DeGroot, Program Chairman
               IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
               P.O. Box 218
               Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

          STATUS           Conference    Tutorial
          Member, IEEE      __ $155      __ $110
          Non-member        __ $180      __ $125

                              Conference Overview

          Opening Address:
             Prof. J.A. (Alan) Robinson
             Syracuse University

          Guest Speaker:
             Prof. Alain Colmerauer
             Univeristy of Aix-Marseille II
             Marseille, France

          Keynote Speaker:
             Dr. Ralph E. Gomory,
             IBM Vice President & Director of Research,
             IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

          Tutorial: An Introduction to Prolog
             Ken Bowen, Syracuse University

          35 Papers, 11 Sessions (11 Countries, 4 Continents)

          Preliminary Conference Program

          Session 1: Architectures I

          1. Parallel Prolog Using Stack Segments on Shared-memory
             Peter Borgwardt (Univ. Minn)

          2. Executing Distributed Prolog Programs on a Broadcast Network
             David Scott Warren (SUNY Stony Brook, NY)

          3. AND Parallel Prolog in Divided Assertion Set
             Hiroshi Nakagawa (Yokohama Nat'l Univ, Japan)

          4. Towards a Pipelined Prolog Processor
             Evan Tick (Stanford Univ,CA) and David Warren

          Session 2: Architectures II

          1. Implementing Parallel Prolog on a Multiprocessor Machine
             Naoyuki Tamura and Yukio Kaneda (Kobe Univ, Japan)

          2. Control of Activities in the OR-Parallel Token Machine
             Andrzej Ciepielewski and Seif Haridi (Royal Inst. of
             Tech, Sweden)

          3. Logic Programming Using Parallel Associative Operations
             Steve Taylor, Andy Lowry, Gerald Maguire, Jr., and Sal
             Stolfo (Columbia Univ,NY)

          Session 3: Parallel Language Issues

          1. Negation as Failure and Parallelism
             Tom Khabaza (Univ. of Sussex, England)

          2. A Note on Systems Programming in Concurrent Prolog
             David Gelertner (Yale Univ,CT)

          3. Fair, Biased, and Self-Balancing Merge Operators in
             Concurrent Prolog
             Ehud Shaipro (Weizmann Inst. of Tech, Israel)

          Session 4: Applications in Prolog

          1. Editing First-Order Proofs: Programmed Rules vs. Derived Rules
             Maria Aponte, Jose Fernandez, and Phillipe Roussel (Simon
             Bolivar Univ, Venezuela)

          2. Implementing Parallel Algorithms in Concurrent Prolog:
             The MAXFLOW Experience
             Lisa Hellerstein (MIT,MA) and Ehud Shapiro (Weizmann
             Inst. of Tech, Israel)

          Session 5: Knowledge Representation and Data Bases

          1. A Knowledge Assimilation Method for Logic Databases
             T. Miyachi, S. Kunifuji, H. Kitakami, K. Furukawa, A.
             Takeuchi, and H. Yokota (ICOT, Japan)

          2. Knowledge Representation in Prolog/KR
             Hideyuki Nakashima (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan)

          3. A Methodology for Implementation of a Knowledge
             Acquisition System
             H. Kitakami, S. Kunifuji, T. Miyachi, and K. Furukawa
             (ICOT, Japan)

          Session 6: Logic Programming plus Functional Programming - I

          1. FUNLOG = Functions + Logic: A Computational Model
             Integrating Functional and Logical Programming
             P.A. Subrahmanyam and J.-H. You (Univ of Utah)

          2. On Implementing Prolog in Functional Programming
             Mats Carlsson (Uppsala Univ, Sweden)

          3. On the Integration of Logic Programming and Functional Programming
             R. Barbuti, M. Bellia, G. Levi, and M. Martelli (Univ. of
             Pisa and CNUCE-CNR, Italy)

          Session 7: Logic Programming plus Functional Programming- II

          1. Stream-Based Execution of Logic Programs
             Gary Lindstrom and Prakash Panangaden (Univ of Utah)

          2. Logic Programming on an FFP Machine
             Bruce Smith (Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

          3. Transformation of Logic Programs into Functional Programs
             Uday S. Reddy (Univ of Utah)

          Session 8: Logic Programming Implementation Issues

          1. Efficient Prolog Memory Management for Flexible Control Strategies
             David Scott Warren (SUNY at Stony Brook, NY)

          2. Indexing Prolog Clauses via Superimposed Code Words and
             Field Encoded Words
             Michael J. Wise and David M.W. Powers, (Univ of New South
             Wales, Australia)

          3. A Prolog Technology Theorem Prover
             Mark E. Stickel, (SRI, CA)

          Session 9: Grammars and Parsing

          1. A Bottom-up Parser Based on Predicate Logic: A Survey of
             the Formalism and Its Implementation Technique
             K. Uehara, R. Ochitani, O. Kakusho, and J. Toyoda (Osaka
             Univ, Japan)

          2. Natural Language Semantics: A Logic Programming Approach
             Antonio Porto and Miguel Filgueiras (Univ Nova de Lisboa,

          3. Definite Clause Translation Grammars
             Harvey Abramson, (Univ. of British Columbia, Canada)

          Session 10: Aspects of Logic Programming Languages

          1. A Primitive for the Control of Logic Programs
             Kenneth M. Kahn (Uppsala Univ, Sweden)

          2. LUCID-style Programming in Logic
             Derek Brough (Imperial College, England) and Maarten H.
             van Emden (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada)

          3. Semantics of a Logic Programming Language with a
             Reducibility Predicate
             Hisao Tamaki (Ibaraki Univ, Japan)

          4. Object-Oriented Programming in Prolog
             Carlo Zaniolo (Bell Labs, New Jersey)

          Session 11: Theory of Logic Programming

          1. The Occur-check Problem in Prolog
             David Plaisted (Univ of Illinois)

          2. Stepwise Development of Operational and Denotational
             Semantics for Prolog
             Neil D. Jones (Datalogisk Inst, Denmark) and Alan Mycroft
             (Edinburgh Univ, Scotland)

                           An Introduction to Prolog

                          A Tutorial by Dr. Ken Bowen

          Outline of the Tutorial

          -  Facts, Databases, Queries, and Rules in Prolog
          -  Variables, Matching, and Unification
          -  Search Spaces and Program Execution
          -  Non-determinism and Control of Program Execution
          -  Natural Language Processing with Prolog
          -  Compiler Writing with Prolog
          -  An Overview of Available Prologs

          Who Should Take the Tutorial

          The tutorial is intended for both managers and programmers
          interested in understanding the basics of logic programming
          and especially the language Prolog. The course will focus on
          direct applications of Prolog, such as natural language
          processing and compiler writing, in order to show the power
          of logic programming. Several different commercially
          available Prologs will be discussed and compared.

          About the Instructor

          Dr. Ken Bowen is a member of the Logic Programming Research
          Group at Syracuse University in New York, where he is also a
          Professor in the School of Computer and Information
          Sciences. He has authored many papers in the field of logic
          and logic programming. He is considered to be an expert on
          the Prolog programming language.

conery@uoregon.UUCP (06/26/84)

>From John Conery (conery@uoregon)

		 	    -- Announcing --

	     1985 International Symposium on Logic Programming

        Tentatively scheduled for Boston, Massachusetts, June 1985

	Sponsored by IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Languages

The symposium will cover implementations and applications of logic programming
systems, including (but not limited to) parallel processing, expert systems,
natural language processing, systems programming, implementation techniques,
and performance issues.

Authors should send 8 copies of their papers (8-20 pages, double spaced) to

	John Conery
	Department of Computer and Information Science
	University of Oregon
	Eugene, OR   97403

Submission deadline is November 1, 1984.  A formal call for papers will be
issued shortly.  For more information, contact:

	Conference Chairman:	Doug DeGroot
				IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
				PO Box 281, Yorktown Hts. NY 10598

	Technical Co-Chairmen:	Jacques Cohen
				Computer Science Dept - Ford Hall
				Brandeis University
				415 South St
				Waltham MA  02254
				CSNET:     jc@brandeis
				ARPANET:   jc.brandeis@csnet-relay

				John Conery
				Department of Computer and Information Sci
				University of Oregon
				Eugene, OR  97403
				CSNET:	   conery@uoregon
				ARPANET:   conery.uoregon@csnet-relay