[net.ai] New Journal/Call for Papers

CL.BOYER@UTEXAS-20.ARPA (07/12/84)

From:  Bob Boyer <CL.BOYER@UTEXAS-20.ARPA>

The Journal of Symbolic Computation (published by Academic Press, London) will
publish original articles on all aspects of the algorithmic treatment of
symbolic objects (terms, formulae, programs, algebraic and geometrical
objects).  The emphasis will be on the mathematical foundation, correctness and
complexity of new sequential and parallel algorithms for symbolic computation.
However, the description of working software systems for symbolic computation
and of general new design principles for symbolic software systems and
applications of such systems for advanced problem solving are also within the
scope of the journal.

Manuscripts should be sent in triplicate to:

   B. Buchberger, Editor
   Journal of Symbolic Computation
   A4040 Linz, Austria

Associate Editors:  W. Bibel, J. Cannon, B. F. Caviness, J.  H. Davenport, K.
Fuchi, G. Huet, R. Loos, Z. Manna, J.Nievergelt, D. Yun.