colonel@gloria.UUCP (George Sicherman) (07/25/84)
[Eat at Joe's] As long as the problem of "understanding" has come up again, here's a provoking quotation: In this argument [deleted] commits two blunders. He interprets understanding as the limit of an evolutionary process of baconian observation, and he treats understanding, like intelligence, as a fixed property independent of its possessor. To understand is to assimilate a process foreign to oneself. A machine does not "understand" how to make screw eyes, because that is part of its function. ... When we examine [deleted]'s argument closely, it reduces to two familiar ideas: the logical idea that all understanding rests on knowledge of the principles of physics, and the psychological idea that understanding is necessary for the sake of controlling. ... The ideal of [deleted]'s theory would be a computer that "understands" natural language well enough to be able to make people do its bidding. --Maia I. Aimless (1979) -- Col. G. L. Sicherman ...seismo!rochester!rocksanne!rocksvax!sunybcs!gloria!colonel