[net.ai] Implicit Definition of Intelligence

Henry%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA (08/02/84)

From:  Henry Lieberman <Henry%MIT-OZ@MIT-MC.ARPA>

I see the fallacy as being that the word "decision" in the article connotes
some willful decision of real significance to a human, such as
"Should I vote for Reagan or Mondale?". The article confuses it in the lay
reader's mind with the computer science sense of "decision", or primitive
conditional, like "If this location is zero, I'll skip to the next
instruction".  Obviously, one decision of a person in the former sense
may invovle zillions of primitive conditionals, so the human and
machine "speeds" are not directly comparable.

Why wait for the fifth generation?  The Lisp machine I'm using right now is much
smarter than a person, because a person can consciously consider only a few new
subgoals every second, whereas a Lisp machine can do a million function calls a