[net.ai] Lisp/VM - Features

WEGMAN.YKTVMZ%ibm-sj.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa (08/03/84)

From:  Mark N. Wegman <WEGMAN.YKTVMZ%ibm-sj.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>

           LISP/VM Features

           ?   Data types

               ?   Numbers include small integers  (up to 26 bits), in-
                   tegers of arbitrary precision (bignums) and floating
                   point numbers (7 bit exponent and 56 bit fraction).

               ?   Identifiers include characters and gensyms.

               ?   Pairs (lists or conses)

               ?   Vectors  of  arbitrary objects,  integers,  floating
                   point numbers, characters, or bits (Boolean values).

               ?   Hashtables can hash on pointers or structure.

               ?   Readtables allow prefix and infix character and dis-
                   patch macros.

               ?   State descriptors  capture the control  and environ-
                   ment components of an evaluation in a single object.

               ?   Streams are the interface to data in external files.

               ?   Functions and macros,  both interpreted and compiled
                   are ordinary data objects.

               ?   Funargs combine a function or  macro and a state de-
                   scriptor to provide a form of closure.

           ?   Scope and Extent

               ?   Variable bindings normally have lexical scope.

               ?   Variable bindings  that are declared fluid  have dy-
                   namic scope.

               ?   Control points established by CATCH and related con-
                   structs have dynamic scope.

               ?   Labels (or GO targets) have lexical scope.

           ?   Evaluation rules

               ?   Self-evaluating  forms  (constants) consist  of  the
                   numbers, character vectors, bit vectors and NIL.

               ?   Identifiers  (symbols or  variables)  evaluate to  a
                   current  lambda-bound value  or to  a default  value
                   stored in a non-lambda environment.

               Special forms as well as macros and function invocations
               are recognized by evaluating the CAR of a compound form.
               This feature allows  all operators in LISP/VM  to be re-
               defined by the user in order to modify or extend the se-
               mantics of the language.

               ?   The special forms are:

                     CLOSEDFN        FUNCTION        PROGN
                     COND            GO              QUOTE
                     EVALQ           GVALUE          RETURN
                     EXIT            LAMBDA          SEQ
                     F*CODE          MLAMBDA         SETQ

               ?   Macros  are applied  to  the invoking  form and  the
                   value of the macro call is re-evaluated.  A macro is
                   defined by assignment or lambda-binding.

               ?   Functions may have a fixed or variable number of ar-
                   guments.   Functions are  defined  by assignment  or

               ?   The bound variable  part of functions and macros may
                   be a pattern that specifies  the structure of an ar-
                   gument.  Specified components of  an argument may be
                   bound to distinct variables.

           ?   In addition  to all  the usual  type and  numeric predi-
               cates, LISP/VM includes three forms of structural equal-

               ?   EQUAL is the traditional  equality test.  Atomic ob-
                   jects are EQUAL if  their external forms are identi-
                   cal.   Two composite  objects are  EQUAL if  for any
                   combination of  access operations  the corresponding
                   components are EQUAL.

               ?   UEQUAL     test    for     structural    equivalence

               ?   UGEQUAL tests for  structural equivalence and allows
                   different gensyms  in two objects if  their patterns
                   of occurrence are isomorphic.

               ?   All three equality predicates terminate for all data
                   objects, including objects  with shared and circular

           ?   Control structure

               ?   Simple sequencing  constructs include  PROGN, PROG1,
                   PROG2 and COND.

               ?   SEQ defines a sequential context and a scope for la-
                   bels and EXIT expressions.

               ?   PROG defines a scope for labels  as well as a set of
                   variables, and a scope for RETURN expressions.

               ?   Iterators include  the MACLISP-style  DO as  well as
                   most of the INTERLISP iteration constructs.

               ?   Mapping  operators include  MAP, MAPCAR,  MAPCAN, as
                   well as operators that map over vectors.

               ?   Non-local  exits  are  possible with  CATCH,  THROW,
                   THROW-PROTECT, and similar constructs.

               ?   State  saving and  application allows  co-routining,
                   backtracking and other non-LIFO control models.

           ?   Identifiers (symbols) have a  pname and a property list.
               There is  no function-value  cell, since  function defi-
               nition is assignment.

               Characters are not  a special case in  LISP/VM, they are
               simply the identifiers with a one-character pname.

               Gensyms are identifiers that  are created anew each time
               they are read.

           ?   Operations on  numbers include all the  usual arithmetic
               functions and a set of in-line operators for small inte-
               ger arithmetic.

           ?   Operations on lists normally  terminate or signal an er-
               ror when the list is circular.

           ?   Hash tables   allow hashing  on pointers,  structure, or
               the contents of character strings.

           ?   Operations on vectors  include specialized operations on
               character vectors (strings).

           ?   Structured data  definitions allow  named access  to the
               components of a data object.

           ?   The compiler can be  invoked dynamically to compile from
               and/or to the  LISP/VM heap or external  files.  In most
               cases, compiled  and interpreted definitions  are equiv-
               alent and interchangeable.

               Compilations take place in  an environment that may con-
               tain alternate definitions for  operators.  Thus, an op-
               erator can  have a  functional definition in  the normal
               environment, and  a macro definition that  emits in-line
               code in the compile environment.

           ?   Streams allow  parsed or character-oriented  data trans-
               mission between LISP/VM and the external file system.

           ?   Input/Output

               ?   The PRINT function produces an external form for ev-
                   ery LISP/VM  data object.  In addition,  shared sub-
                   structure  is revealed  by markers  in the  external
                   form; these markers are recognized by the READ func-

               ?   The input  syntax is determined by  a readtable that
                   defines a wide variety of character attributes.

           ?   Storage allocation

               ?   There  are no  fixed allocations  of storage  within
                   LISP/VM.  The  boundaries between heap,  stack, com-
                   piled  programs, etc.,  are adjusted  dynamically to
                   make full use of the available memory.

               ?   Garbage collection  is done  by a  copying algorithm
                   that takes  time proportional to the  amount of data
                   that survives the collection.

           ?   A MACLISP compatibility package allows existing applica-
               tions to be compiled for use in the LISP/VM environment