LAWS@SRI-AI.ARPA (11/25/84)
From: AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws <AIList-REQUEST@SRI-AI> AIList Digest Saturday, 24 Nov 1984 Volume 2 : Issue 160 Today's Topics: Plan Recognition Hardware - Uses of Optical Disks, Linguistics - Language Simplification & Natural Languages, Seminars - Intention in Text Interpretation (Berkeley) & Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving (CMU) & A Shape Recognition Illusion (CMU) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Nov 1984 15:55:02-EST From: kushnier@NADC Subject: Plan Recognition WANTED We are interested in any information, papers, reports, or titles of same dealing with AI PLAN RECOGNITION that can be supplied to the government at no cost (they made me say that!). We are presently involved in an R&D effort requiring such information. Thanks in advance, Ron Kushnier Code 5023 NAVAIRDEVCEN Warminster Pa. 18974 ------------------------------ Date: 19 Nov 84 16:55:09 EST From: DIETZ@RUTGERS.ARPA Subject: Are books obsolete? [Forwarded from the Human-Nets Digest by Laws@SRI-AI.] Sony has recently introduced a portable compact optical disk player. I hear they intend to market it as a microcomputer peripheral for $300. I'm not sure what its capacity will be, so I'll estimate it at 50 megabytes per side. That's 25000 ascii coded 8 1/2x11 pages, or 1000 compressed page images, per side. Disks cost about $10, for a cost per word orders of magnitude less than books. Here's an excellent opportunity for those concerned with the social impact of computer technology to demonstrate their wisdom. What will the effect be of such inexpensive read-only storage media? How will this technology affect the popularity of home computers? What features should a home computer have to fully exploit this technology? How should text be stored on the disks? What difference would magneto-optical writeable/erasble disks make? How will this technology affect Date: Tue, 20 Nov 84 22:26:16 est From: FRAWLEY <20568%vax1%udel-cc-relay.delaware@udel-relay.ARPA> Subject: Re: Language Simplification, V2 #157 On Gillam's comments on simplification: 1. In the South U.S., there is a raising of the vowels. "Pen" becomes "pin." This results in homophony between the words "pen" and "pin." Thus, in these dialects, the word "pin" becomes something like "peeun," with the vowel raised even more. The lesson is that an ostensible sim- plification complicates the system further by requiring a dif- ferentiation between certain phonological forms. This is an instance of supposed regularity causing complication. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 Nov 84 17:45:34 PST From: "Dr. Michael G. Dyer" <dyer@UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA> Subject: what language 'is' (?) re: what natural language 'is' While it's fun to make up criteria and then use those criteria to judge one natural language as 'superior' to another, or decide that a given NL has 'degenerated' etc, I don't really see this approach as leading anywhere (except, perhaps, for 'phylogenetic' studies of language 'speciation', just as pot shards are examined in archeology for cultural contacts... We could also spend our time deciding which culture is 'better' by various criteria, e.g. more weapons, less TV, etc). It's also convenient to talk about natural language as if it's something "on its own". However, I view this attitude as scientifically unhealthy, since it leads to an overemphasis on linguistic structure. Surely the interesting questions about NL concern those cognitive processes involved in getting from NL to thoughts in memory and back out again to language. These processes involve forming models of what the speaker/listener knows, and applying world knowledge and context. NL structure plays only a small part in these overall processes, since the main ones involve knowledge application, memory interactions, memory search, inference, etc. e.g. consider the following story: "John wanted to see a movie. He hopped on his bike and went to the drugstore and bought a paper. Then he went home and called the theater to get the exact time." now we could have said this any number of ways, eg. "John paid for a paper at the drugstore. He'd gotten there on his bike. Later, at home, he used the number in the paper to call the theater, since he wanted to see a movie and needed to know the exact time." The reason we can handle such diverse versions -- in which the goals and actions appear in different order -- is that we can RECONSTRUCT John's complete plan for enjoying a movie from our general knowledge of what's involved in selecting and getting to a movie. It looks something like this: enjoy movie need to know what's playing --> read newspaper (ie one way to find out) need newspaper --> get newspaper possess newspaper need $ to buy it (ie one way to get it) need to be where it's sold need way to get there --> use bike (ie one way to travel) need to know time --> call theater (ie one way to find out) need to know phone number --> get # out of newspaper need to physically watch it need to be there --> drive there (ie one way to get there) need to know how to get there etc We use our pre-existing knowledge (e.g. of how people get to a movie of their choice) to help us understand text about such things. Once we've formed a conceptual model of the planning involved (from our knowledge of constraints and enablement on plans and goals), then we can put the story 'in the right order' in our minds. In fact, the notion of goals, plans, and enablements should be universal among all humans (the closest thing to a 'universal grammar', for people who insist on talking about things in terms of 'grammars'). Given this fact, EVERY natural language should allow sparse and somewhat mixed-order renditions of plan-related stories. Is this a feature, then, of one or more NATURAL LANGUAGEs, or is it really a feature of general INTELLIGENCE -- i.e. planning, inference etc. Clearly the interesting problems here are: how to represent goal/plan knowledge, how this knowledge is referred to in a given language, and how these knowledge sources interact to instantiate a representation of what the reader knows after reading about John's movie trip. (Of course, other types of text will involve other kinds of conceptual constructs -- e.g. editorial text involves reasoning and beliefs). Wittgenstein expressed the insight -- i.e. that natural languages are fundamentally different from formal languages -- in terms of his notion of "language games". He argued that speakers are like the players of a game, and to the extent that the players know the rules, they can do all sorts of communication 'tricks' (since they know another player can use HIS knowledge of the "game" to extract the most appropriate meaning from an utterance, gesture, text...). As a result, Wittgenstein felt it was quite misguided to argue that formal languages are 'better' because they're unambiguous. Now this issue is reappearing in a slightly different guise as a number of ancient natural(?) languages are offered as 'the answer' to our representational problems, based on the claim that they are unambiguous. Two favorites currently seem to be sastric sanskrit and a Bolivian language called "Aymara". (Quote from news article in LA Times, Nov. 7, '84 p 12: "... wisemen constructed the language [Aymara] from scratch, by logical, premeditated design, as early as 4,000 years ago") I suspect ancient and exotic languages are being chosen since fewer people know enough about them to dispute any claims made. Of course this isn't done on purpose: it's simply that the better known NLs that get proposed are more quickly discarded since more people will know, or can find, counter-examples for each claim. By the way, the kinds of discussions we have here at UCLA on NL are very different from those I see on AIList. Instead of arguing about what language 'is' (i.e. the definitional approach to science that Minksy and others have criticized on earlier AILists), we try to represent ideas (e.g. "Religion is the opiate of the masses", "self-fulfilling prophecy", "John congratulated Mary", etc) in terms of abstract conceptual data structures, where the representation chosen is judged in terms of its usefulness for inference, parsing, memory search, etc. Discussions include how a conceptual parser would take such text and map it into such constructs; how knowledge of these constructs and inferential processes can aid in the parsing process; how the resulting instantiated structures would be searched during: Q/A, advice giving, paraphrasing, summarization, translation, and so on. It's fun to BS about NL, but I wouldn't want my students to think that what appears on AIList (with a few exceptions) re: NL is the way NL research should be conducted or specifies what the important research issues in NL are. I hope I haven't insulted anyone. (If I have, then you know who you are!) I'm guessing that most readers out there actually agree with me. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 21 Nov 84 14:02:39 pst From: chertok%ucbcogsci@Berkeley (Paula Chertok) Subject: Seminar - Intention in Text Interpretation (Berkeley) BERKELEY COGNITIVE SCIENCE PROGRAM Fall 1984 Cognitive Science Seminar -- IDS 237A TIME: Tuesday, November 27, 11 - 12:30 PLACE: 240 Bechtel Engineering Center DISCUSSION: 12:30 - 2 in 200 Building T-4 SPEAKER: Walter Michaels and Steven Knapp, English Department, UC Berkeley TITLE: ``Against Theory'' ABSTRACT: A discussion of the role of intention in the interpretation of text. We argue that linguistic meaning is always intentional; that linguistic forms have no meaning independent of authorial intention; that interpretative disagreements are necessarily disagreements about what a particular author intended to say; and that recognizing the inescapability of intention has fatal conse- quences for all attempts to construct a theory of interpretation. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Nov 84 15:24:46 EST From: Steven.Shafer@CMU-CS-IUS Subject: Seminar - Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving (CMU) [Forwarded from the CMU bboard by Laws@SRI-AI.] Victor Lesser, from U. Mass., is coming to CMU on Tuesday to present the AI Seminar. He will be speaking about AI techniques for use on distributed systems. 3:30 pm on Tuesday, November 27, in WeH 5409. COOPERATIVE DISTRIBUTED PROBLEM SOLVING This research topic is part of a new research area that has recently emerged in AI, called Distributed AI. This new area combines research issues in distributed processing and AI by focusing on the development of distributed networks of semi-autonomous nodes that cooperate interactively to solve a single task. Our particular emphasis in this general research area has been on how to design such problem-solving networks so that they can function effectively even though processing nodes have inconsistent and incomplete views of the data bases necessary for their computations. An example of the type of application that this approach is suitable for is a distributed sensor network. This lecture will discuss our basic approach called Functionally- Accurate Cooperative Problem-Solving, the need for sophisticated network-wide control and its relationship to local node control, and [end of message -- KIL] ------------------------------ Date: 21 November 1984 1639-EST From: Cathy Hill@CMU-CS-A Subject: Seminar - A Shape Recognition Illusion (CMU) Speaker: Geoff Hinton and Kevin Lang (CMU) Title: A Strange property of shape recognition networks. Date: November 27, l984 Time: 12 noon - 1:30 p.m. Place: Adamson Wing in Baker Hall Abstract: We shall describe a parallel network that is capable of recognizing simple shapes in any orientation or position and we will show that networks of this type are liable to make a strange kind of error when presented with several shapes that are followed by a backward mask. The error involves perceiving one shape in the position of another. Anne Treisman has shown that people make errors of just this kind. ------------------------------ End of AIList Digest ********************