[net.ai] AIList Digest V3 #18

LAWS@SRI-AI.ARPA (02/10/85)

From: AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws <AIList-REQUEST@SRI-AI.ARPA>

AIList Digest            Sunday, 10 Feb 1985       Volume 3 : Issue 18

Today's Topics:
  Seminars - The Bertrand Constraint Language (Oregon) &
    Insights on Searching (CMU) &
    Motion Planning Algorithms  (SU) &
    Triangle Tables for Robot Actions (SU) &
    Robot Mind-Body Synapse (CSLI),
  Conferences - Genetic Algorithms &
    Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics

Date: Thursday, 7 Feb 85 15:03:05 PST
From: wm@tekchips
Subject: Seminar - The Bertrand Constraint Language (Oregon)

                          Oregon Graduate Center
              Department of Computer Science and Engineering
                  February 22, 3:30 pm, Main Seminar Room

              Bertrand, a General Purpose Constraint Language

                                  Wm Leler

                        Computer Research Laboratory
                               Tektronix, Inc.

           Constraint languages and constraint satisfaction
           techniques are making the problem solving abilities of
           the computer available to a wider audience.  For
           example, simple spread-sheet languages such as VisiCalc
           allow many different financial modeling problems to be
           solved without resorting to programming.  In a
           conventional language the programmer must specify a
           step-by-step procedure for the language interpreter to
           follow.  In a constraint language, programming is a
           descriptive task.  The user specifies a set of
           relationships, called constraints, and it is up to the
           constraint satisfaction system to satisfy these
           constraints.  Unfortunately, constraint satisfaction
           systems have been very difficult to build.

           Bertrand is a general purpose language designed for
           building constraint satisfaction systems.  Constraints
           are solved using rewrite rules, which are invoked by
           pattern matching.  Bertrand is similar in expressive
           power to relational languages such as Prolog, but
           without any procedural semantics.  Its lack of
           procedural semantics makes Bertrand especially
           attractive for execution on parallel processors.

           This talk will review several example constraint
           satisfaction systems built using Bertrand with
           applications in graphics, design, and modeling.  There
           will also be some discussion of the language issues
           involved in the design of Bertrand.


Date: 8 Feb 85 18:49:38 EST
From: Steven.Shafer@CMU-CS-IUS
Subject: Seminar - Insights on Searching (CMU)

           [Forwarded from the CMU bboard by Tyson@SRI-AI.]

Type:     AI Seminar
Speaker:  Hans Berliner
Topic:    Superpuzz and Some Insights on Searching
Dates:    12-Feb-85
Time:     3:30 pm
Place:    WeH 5409

    Most solutions in any complex domain require some non-intuitive
moves that violate good heuristic rules.  When a combination of search
procedure and evaluation function requires that the search keep finding
"good" moves or else abandon the current branch, the search takes on
an undesirable breadth-first character.  This research indicates that
it is possible to define evaluation functions that allow continuing a
branch that encounters some non-intuitive moves by giving credit for
earlier "good" moves.  We define an "adventurousness coefficient"
that determines the ratio of acceptance of non-intuitive moves to
"good" moves, and show that greater adventurousness is desirable as
the depth of solution increases.  Further, adventurousness has an
even greater payoff when a constraint satisfaction method exists that
can terminate unsolvable branches.
    Our domain for this study was Superpuzz, a very difficult solitaire
puzzle.  Four search paradigms, each the best of its kind for
non-adversary problems, were investigated.  These are:  Depth-first
with branch and bound and iterative deepening (DF), A*, Best-first
with a simple evaluation function (BF1), and Best-first with a
complex evaluation function (BF2).  All methods except BF2 use the
same knowledge, and each of these methods is tested with and without
the use of a constraint satisfaction procedure, all on the same sets
of progressively more difficult solitaire problems.
    As expected, the most informed search (BF2) does better than the
less informed as the problems get more difficult.  Constraint
satisfaction is found to have a pronouncedly greater effect when
coupled with the most informed algorithm (BF2).  BF1, which uses the
same knowledge as A* and DF but has a greater adventurousness
coefficient, far outperforms these paradigms in terms of work required
at about a 5% reduction in the quality of the (otherwise) optimal
    Adventurousness can be thought of as a primitive form of planning,
in which no specific goal is enunciated but the cohesion of a set of
moves in "making progress" is being measured.  The desired degree
of adventurousness appears to depend on the domain, evaluation
function, and constraint satisfaction method used.


Date: Mon 4 Feb 85 15:13:05-PST
From: Andrei Broder <Broder@SU-SCORE.ARPA>
Subject: Seminar - Motion Planning Algorithms  (SU)

          [Forwarded from the SRI-AI bboard by Laws@SRI-AI.]

                             AFLB Seminar
               2/14/85 - Prof. Micha Sharir (Tel Aviv)

                "Motion planning algorithms - a survey"

We discuss the problem of planning automatically a continuous motion
of a given robot system B having k degrees of freedom, from an initial
position to a final desired position. During the required motion B has
to avoid certain obstacles whose geometry is known.  In abstract
terms, the problem is reduced to that of calculating the connected
components of the (k-dimensional) manifold FP of all free positions of
B, and is thus a problem in "computational topology".  In the talk we
will survey the main results in this area as developed during the last
four years. Some of the topics of the talk (as time will permit) will

(1) We show that the problem is solvable in time polynomial in the
geometric complexity n of the obstacles, provided that k is fixed.
(2) The problem is PSPACE-hard if k is arbitrary, even for very simple
(3) Efficient solutions exist for several simple systems. We will
describe some of them.
(4) Review of the main solution techniques.
(5) Spin-off problems in computational geometry.
(6) Variants of the problem: motion planning with a gripped object,
motion planning in the presence of moving obstacles, optimal motion
planning, etc.

***** Time and place: February 14, 12:30 pm in MJ352 (Bldg. 460) ******


Date: Wed 6 Feb 85 21:19:30-PST
Subject: Seminar - Triangle Tables for Robot Actions (SU)

         [Forwarded from the Stanford bboard by Laws@SRI-AI.]

                      Tuesday, February 12, 1985
                     at 4:15 in Terman Auditorium

                          Nils J. NILSSON
            Chairman, Stanford Computer Science Department

                         will present:

                       TRIANGLE TABLES:
      A Proposal for a Language for Programming Robot Actions

Structures called ``triangle tables'' were used in connection with the
SRI robot SHAKEY for storing sequences of robot actions.  Since the
original motivation for triangle tables still seems relevant, I have
recently elaborated the original concept and have begun to consider
how the expanded formalism can be used as a general robot programming
language.  This talk will describe this new view of triangle tables
and how they might be used in a language that supports asynchronous
and concurrent action computations.


Date: Wed 6 Feb 85 17:20:59-PST
From: Emma Pease <Emma@SU-CSLI.ARPA>
Subject: Seminar Summary - Robot Mind-Body Synapse (CSLI)

         [Excerpted from the CSLI Newsletter by Laws@SRI-AI.]

                            SUMMARY OF F-4 MEETING
             ``Robot Design: In Search of the Mind-Body Synapse''
                            Stan Rosenschein, CSLI

For purposes of the discussion, the term ``robot'' was taken refer to a
collection of (man-made) sensors and effectors connected through a computer
controller.  To lend an air of reality to the discussion, a ``hands-on''
display was given of an ultrasonic rangefinder, a small CCD camera, a
battery-operated robotics kit including a motorized gripper, and a small
computer.  The challenge facing the robot designer is how to assemble these
(or similar) components to build a device capable of complex and
interesting behaviors.  The most complex and difficult part of the robot
design task is programming the controller.  Many AI researchers have sought
to manage this complexity by developing computational abstractions based on
some version of commonsense belief-desire-intention (BDI) psychology--the
``folk'' theory of mind.  In addition, they have tended to adopt a
``representationalist'' tactic in which the components of mental state
(beliefs, desires, intentions) are realized as symbolic structures to be
manipulated by the program.  Another approach, one based on an abstract
correlational theory of information-bearing states in automata, was put
forward as an alternative.  There was much discussion on the utility of
belief-desire-intention psychology, especially in its
``representationalist'' form, as a framework for building robots.


Date: 7 Feb 85 13:44:23-CST (Thu)
From: "John J. Grefenstette" <jjg%vanderbilt.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: Conference on Genetic Algorithms

                      Call for Papers
       International Conference on Genetic Algorithms
                   and Their Applications

An International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and  Their
Applications,  sponsored  by  Texas Instruments and the U.S.
Navy Center for Applied Research in  AI  (NCARAI),  will  be
held  on  July  24-26, 1985 at Carnegie-Mellon University in
Pittsburgh.  Authors are invited to submit papers on all as-
pects of Genetic Algorithms, including the following topics:
theoretical  foundations  of  Genetic  Algorithms;   machine
learning  using  Genetic Algorithms; classifier systems; ap-
portionment of credit; Genetic Algorithms in function optim-
ization and search; experimental applications.

Authors are requested to  submit  three  copies  (hard  copy
only)  of  a full paper by May 1, 1985 to the program chair-

        Dr. John J. Grefenstette
        Computer Science Department
        Vanderbilt University
        Box 73 Station B
        Nashville, TN 37235

Papers will be refereed by the Program  Committee,  and  au-
thors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by May 20,
1985.  Camera ready copies are due by June  21,  1985.   Ac-
cepted  papers  will be published in the Conference Proceed-

Morning sessions  of  the  conference  will  be  devoted  to
presentations  of  the  accepted papers.  Afternoon sessions
will be devoted to panel discussions of the  general  themes
raised in the morning sessions.

There will be no registration fee, but for planning purposes
all attendees are asked to register by June 1, 1985.  Regis-
tration information may be obtained from:

        Dr. Stephen F. Smith
        Robotics Institute
        Carnegie-Mellon University
        Pittsburgh, PA 15213
        (412) 578-8811

Conference Committee
---------- ---------

John H. Holland       University of Michigan (Conference Chair)
Lashon B. Booker      NCARAI
Kenneth A. De Jong    NCARAI and George Mason University
John J. Grefenstette  Vanderbilt University (Program Chair)
Stephen F. Smith      C-MU Robotics Institute (Local Arrangements)


Date: Sat, 2 Feb 85 16:26:43 cst
From: Austin Melton <austin%kansas-state.csnet@csnet-relay.arpa>
Subject: Conference - Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics

          [Forwarded from the SRI-AI bboard by Laws@SRI-AI.]


                     CONFERENCE ON

DATE AND SITE                        SPONSORS

                                   Iowa State University
April 11 and 12, 1985              Kansas State University
Kansas State University            The University of Kansas
Manhattan, Kansas 66506            The University of Nebraska
                                   Wichita State University

The conference will be a forum for computer scientists and mathematicians
jointly to discuss current research and possible directions for future research
in both programming language semantics in general and the mathematics used
in programming semantics in particular.  From these discussions the computer
scientists will have first-hand exposure to the mathematical ideas which
might prove fruitful for future work, and the mathematicians will gain insight
for future work by seeing how their results can be applied and by seeing what
types of mathematical results are needed for future work in programming
language semantics.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

    theory of complete partial orders and continuous lattices,
    topological and categorical approaches to semantics,
    formal and descriptive aspects of semantics notations

The following computer scientists and mathematicians will be speaking at the

Dr. Dana Scott, Carnegie-Mellon University
Dr. Horst Herrlich, University of Bremen, West Germany
Dr. Adrian Tang, The University of Kansas
Dr. George Strecker, Kansas State University
Dr. Stephen Brookes, Carnegie-Mellon University
Dr. Carl Gunter, Carnegie-Mellon University

Authors are invited to submit five copies of extended abstracts (approximately
two pages double spaced) describing recent advances in programming semantics
or related mathematics.  The first page of the abstract should include
all authors' names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers.  Graduate
students are also encouraged to submit abstracts.  The submission deadline
is March 11, 1985.  Authors will be notified of acceptance by March 22, 1985.

Five copies of the extended abstracts should be submitted to:

Prof. Austin Melton           or   Prof. Robert Wherritt
Computer Science Department        Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Fairchild Hall, 121                Box 33
Kansas State University            Wichita State University
Manhattan, Kansas 66506            Wichita, Kansas  67208
USA                                USA
or via CSNET

Abstracts of the accepted papers and the invited addresses will be available
to all conference participants at the start of the conference.
The conference proceedings will be published after the conference and
mailed to all the participants.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about the conference or accommodations please contact
Professor Austin Melton or Ms. Robin Niederee:

Kansas State University
Computer Science Department
Fairchild Hall, 121
Manhattan, Kansas  66506
CSNET austin%kansas-state@csnet-relay or robin%kansas-state@csnet-relay

The registration fee is $35 (students $5).
Meals are included in the $35.00 registration fee. Students may purchase
meals for an additional $20.00.
meal reservations may be made via CSNET (austin%kansas-state@csnet-relay  or
robin%kansas-state@csnet-relay) with payments being made at the conference.


End of AIList Digest