daemon@down.FUN (daemon) (03/22/85)
PROGRAM FOR MEETING OF SOCIETY FOR PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY University of Toronto, Wednesday May 15 - Saturday May 18, 1985 For copy of symposium abstracts and more information about the program [note that there may still be room for some discussants or speakers], the usenet address for the Program Chairman, Stevan Harnad, is: bellcore!princeton!mind!srh or write to: Stevan Harnad, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 20 Nassau Street, Suite 240, Princeton NJ 08540 For information about local arrangements, write to: David Olson, McLuhan Center, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA For information about the Society and attendance, write to: Owen Flanagan, Secretary/Treasurer, Society for Philosophy & Psychology, Philosophy Department, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181 Program follows [participant lists are in several cases only partial; other contributors will also be on the program]: Workshop (2 full sessions) Ia & Ib. Artificial Intelligence Versus Neural Modeling in Psychological Theory Participants include: P. & P. Churchland, P.C. Dodwell, J. Feldman, A. Goldman, S. Grossberg, S.J. Hanson, A. Newell, A. Pellionisz, R. Schank. Symposia (10) II. Category Formation Participants include: S. Harnad, R. Jackendoff, N. Macmillan, C. Mervis, R. Millikan, R. Schank. III. Unconscious Processing Participants include: T. Carr, A. Marcel, P. Merikle. IV. Memory and Consciousness Participants include: K. Bowers, M. Moscovitch, D. Schacter, A. Marcel, R. Lockhart, E. Tulving. V. New Directions in Evolutionary Theory Participants include: A. Rosenberg, M. Ruse, E. Sober. VI. Paradoxical Neurological Syndromes Participants include: M. Gazzaniga, A. Kertesz, A. Marcel. VII. The Empirical Status of Psychoanalytic Theory Participants include: M. Eagle, E. Erwin, A. Grunbaum, J. Masling, B. von Eckardt. VIII. The Scientific Status of Parapsychological Research Participants include: J. Alcock, C. Honorton, R.L. Morris, M. Truzzi. IX. The Reality of the "G" (General) Factor in the Measurement and Modeling of Intelligence Participants include: A. Jensen, W. Rozeboom. X. The Ascription of Knowledge States to Children: Seeing, Believing and Knowing Participants include: D. Olson & J. Astington, J. Perner & H. Wimmer, M. Taylor & J. Flavell, F. Dretske, S. Kuczaj. XI. Psychology, Pictures and Drawing Participants include: J. Caron-Prague, S. Dennis, J. Kennedy, D. Pariser, S. Wilcox, J. Willats, S. Brison Contributed Paper Sessions (4): XII. Perception and Cognition XIII. Induction and Information XIV. Evolution of Cognitive and Social Structures XV. Inferences About the Mind