LAWS@SRI-AI.ARPA (06/07/85)
From: AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws <AIList-REQUEST@SRI-AI> AIList Digest Friday, 7 Jun 1985 Volume 3 : Issue 75 Today's Topics: Conferences - Probability in AI Workshop & 5th Int. Workshop on Expert Systems and Applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu 6 Jun 85 23:22:51-PDT From: CHEESEMAN@SRI-AI.ARPA Subject: Probability in AI Workshop Information on the Workshop on: Probability and Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Sponsored by: AAAI and RCA University of California, Los Angeles, August 14-16, 1985 Registration Fee: Early (before July 10) $25 Late $30 The registration fee includes admission to all presentations, discussions, patio lunches as well as the published proceedings. Registration and refund requests will not be accepted after 5th. of August. Registrations will be accepted on-site. Accomodations: Single Residence Hall Room 4 nights $160 Single room accomodations have been reserved through the UCLA conference services in university dormitories. Rates are based on a four day period starting the evening of Tuesday August 13th. and ending Sat. morning Aug. 17th. Check in is after 3:00p.m., check out by 12:00 noon. Breakfast and dinner are included starting with dinner on Tue. and ending with breakfast on Sat. 17th. Residence hall rooms are provided with linens and towels. Shared bathroom facilities are provided. The entire room payment for the four nights period must be enclosed with your reservation (unless you are making your own accomodation arrangements). Parking: Parking permit $15 Note: -No registration or refund after Aug. 5th. -There are a limited number of rooms--please make your reservations early. -Return registration and accomodation forms to the arrangements chairman. Arrangements Chair: General Chair: Program Chair: Rob. Suritis Peter Cheeseman John Lemmer Par Technology Corp. NASA/Ames Research RCA Advanced Tech. 220 Seneca Turnpike Center, Mail Stop 244-7 Labs., Route 38, New hartford, NY 13413 Moffett Field, CA 94035 Moorestown, (315)738-0600 x233 (415)694-6526 NJ 08057 (609)866-6650 Registration Information should include: Name, address, ARPA address (if any), phone number, parking permit required ($15), date and time of arrival and whether you will be attending IJCAI. Checks payable to AI Workshop at UCLA, and the registration information (and checks) should be sent to Rob. Suritis, PAR Technology Corp., 220 Seneca Turnpike, New Hartford, NY 13413. The workshop will occur in Sproul Hall, UCLA. Proposed Agenda --------------- Tue. Aug. 13th. 3:00 Registration and check-in, front desk, Sproul Hall Wed. Aug 14th. 8:30 Session 1: Foundations of Probability Theory 10:00 Break (20 min) 10:20 Session 1 (cont.) 12:00 Patio Lunch 1:00 Session 2: Comparison of Different Uncertainty Formalisms 3:00 Break 3:30 Session 2 (cont.) 5:00 Break for day Thurs Aug. 15th. 8:30 Session 3: Induction of Models Under Uncertainty 10:00 Break 10:20 Session 4: Combining Uncertain Information and Model Update from Data 12:00 Patio Barbecue 1:00 Session 5: Alternative Uncertainty Formalisms 3:00 Break 3:30 Session 6: Subjective Probability and Uncertainty 5:00 Break for day Fri. Aug. 16th. 8:30 Session 7: Applications of Probability theory 10:00 Break 10:20 Session 8: Decision Making Under Uncertainty 12:00 End of Workshop ------------------------------ Date: 5 Jun 1985 22:07-EST From: Subject: Conference - 5th Int. Workshop on Expert Systems and Applications Fifth International Workshop Expert Systems & Their Applications Conference & Exhibition Palais des Papes - Avignon, France May 13 1985 Session 1: Parallelism & Real Time Parallelism in production systems: The sources and the expected speedup A. Gupta CMU The PICON expert system for process control G. C. Knickerbocker, R. L. Moore, L. B. Hawkinson and M. E. Levin LISP Machine Inc. Session 2A Theoretical Issues Automatic theorem proof & expert systems Y. Kodratoff and J. G. Ganascia Universite Paris-Sud (Orsay, France) Session 2B Case Studies I Distributed intelligence in alternative analysis for computer systems selection and configuration F. T. Zeviar Boeing Computer Services Session 3A Environments 1 The role of the knowledge engineer in instantiating the MP parameterizable inference engine C. Roche CRIl (Puteaux, France) Efficient expert system development through domain-specific tools J. A. Alexander Tektronix EX-TRAN 7 a different approach for an expert system generator T. Hassan M. A. Razzak and D. Michie Intelligent Terminals Ltd (Glasgow UK) R. Pettipher -ITT (Harlow UK) Session 3B Medicine A diabetes expert system using videotex technology J. C. Buisson, H. Farreny and H. Prade-Enseeiht & Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) Spatial knowledge represenation in diagnostic expert systems Z. Xiang S. N. Srihari SUNY at Buffalo GROK - a natural language front end for medical expert systems K. K. Obermeier Battelle (Columbus, OHIO) Session 4A Theoretical Issues II Control in inference engines M. O. Cordier ECRC (Munich, FRG), M. C. Rousset Universite Paris-Sud Session 4B Case STudies II A knowledge based expert system used to prevent the disclosure of sensitive information at the US Environmental Protection Agency J. L. Feinstein - Booz, Allen & Hamilton (Bathesda, Maryland) Session 5 Expert systems and data bases Expert database systems: evolutionary and revolutionary approaches L. Kerschberg University of South Carolina Session 6A Knowledge Representation and Management I Knowledge representation and intentional logic F. Lepage Universite du Quebec KAUS - a tool for model building and evaluation H. Yamauchi and S. OHsuga University of Tokyo Prolog and Objects P. Albert - BULL (Louveciennes, France) LKJ-ex: an expert system for modifying a knowledge base P. Mazas Renault (Rueill-Malmaison, France) Session 6B Chemistry Learning spectrum-structure relations for automatic interpretation of carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra S. Belaid - CISI (Paris, France) The DARC-EPIOS system - Structural elucidation by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance M. Carabedian, I. Dagaine, and J. E. Dubois ITODYS (Paris, France) EXSYLA - an expert system for interpeting laser spectrometry data M. Lamboulle (Universite de Metz, France) JH. P. Haton (Universite de Nancy, France) J. F. Muller (Universite de Metz, France) Feasibility study concerning the use of expert systems for the development of formulas in pharmaceutical analysis D. L. Massart, M. R. detaevernier, Y. Michotte, L. Buydens, M. P. Derde, M. Desmet, L. Kaufman, G. Musch, J. Smeyers-Verbeke, A. Thielemans and L. Dryon Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) Session 6C Technical Diagnosis Naive causal reasoning for diagnosis W. Van de Velde - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (belgium) Rule categories and their use in technical diagnosis J. C. Emond Philips (Brussels, Belgium) A general model to troubleshooting and its applications to computer support A. Farley Hewlett-Packard (Palo Alto, CA) A diagnosis expert system M. Marrakchi, B. Houriez, F. Grzesiak and D. willaeys Universite de Valenciennes (France) Session 7 ONboard expert systems Military applications of expert systems J. F. Gilmore Georgia Tech Research Institute (Atlanta, Georgia) Session 8A Environments II The architecture of an expert system environment M. T. Harandi University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaigne) Babylon-kernel system of an integrated environment for expert system development & Operation F. Di Primio and G. Brewka - GMD (Sankt Augustin, FRG) Reasoning explication in expert systems B. Safar Universite Paris-Sud (Orsay, France) Session 8B Pattern Recognition & Signal Processing A design expert for digital signal processing I. Hartimo, O. Hyvarinen, K. Kronlog, O. Simula and J. Skytta Helsinki University of Technology (Finland) Expert graph prediction system J. P. Tsai Y. C. Chen, R. Krelling and W. Kabat Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois) An expert system for pattern recognition A. Giordana, G. Ippolito and L. Saitta Universita di Torino (Italy) Session 8C Applied Linguistics NLI-ESD: An expert antural language interface to a statistical data bank P. Bucci G. Lella and S. Pavan SARIN SpA (Pomezia, Italy) An expert system for educational diagnosis based on default logic M. Jones and D. Poole University of Waterloo The twelve chairs and onamaturge - The representation of synonyms nad of related terms in the frames of an expert system for word coinage E. Nissan Ben gurion University of the Neguev (Beer Sheva, Israel) Session 9A Computer Engineering The Analyst - A workstation for analysis and design M. Stepehns and k. Whitehead - SDL (Camberley, Surrey, UK) An expert system for computer room facility layout T. Watanabe, Y. Nagai, C. Yasunobu, Y. IIzuka, K. Sasaki, and T. Yamanaka Hitachi (Kawasaki and Tokyo, Japan) Session 9B Law & Management Law-Expert Systems and decison aids J. Gros and C. Bernad - IRETJ (Montpellier, France) SESP - an expert system for personnel seleciton X. Debanne - Data Base Informatica (Pomezia, Italy) Session 9C Computer-Aided Manufacturing SOJA - an expert system for daily workshop planning B. Sauve and C. Lepape - CGE (Marcoussis, France) Knowledge organisation in an expert system for spot-welding robot configuraiton R. Rehmnert and K. Sandahl - Linkoping University (Sweden) O. Granstedt - ASEA Robotics (Vasteras, Sweden) Session 10A Knowledge Acquisition KADS - structured knowledge acquisition for expert systems J. A. Breuker and B. Wielinga - University of Amsterdam Generating expert knowledge using data analysis techniques V. Rialle - Faculte de Medecine de Grenoble (France) Session 10B finance & Fiscality FINEX - an expert support system for financial analysis L. Kerschberg and J. Dickinson - University of South Carolina The development of an expert tax system A. E. Roycroft - ICL (Manchester, UK) and P. Loucopoulos - UMSIT (Manchester UK) Session 10C Architecture Considerations concerning expert systems in the architectural design process K. H. Oey Technische Hogeschool Delft (Netherlands) ACE - an aid for architectural design F. Iselin, J. Menu and L. de Trentinian - EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) Session 11A Knowledge Represenation and Management II Control knowledge in expert systems - relaxing restrictive assumptions S. Fickas and D. Novick University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon) Conflict detection in knowledge bases E. Pipard - Universite Paris-Sud (Orsay, France) Session 11B - Agriculture and Botany Counsellor - an agricultural advisory system combining expert system and videotex technology N. J. Jones and D. T. Crates -ICI (Franham, Surrey, UK) An expert system for determining the families of the Swiss flora J. M. Mascherpa - Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques (Chabesy, Switzerland) C. Pellegrine Universite d CGeneve Sesison 11C - CADD Infering geometric description of objects from their functional specifications F. Ingrand - IMAG LIFIA (Grenoble, France) A domain-independent knowledge engineering architecture for CAD M. Barbuceanu - Central Institute for Management and Informatics (Bucarest, Rumania) Sesison 12A Environments III BOUM - an instantiation of the (PS) sup 2 concept J. M. PUGIN BULL (Louveciennes, France) MI 3: A set of tools for knowledge representaitons & processing. Its descriptiona nd use P. Tallibert - ESD (saint-Cloud France) Session 12 B Earth Sciences MEPRA- A feasibility study for an avalance prediction expert system J. M. Lefevre and T. Granier - IMAG LIFIA (Grenoble, France) Structure and function of the SIES system G. Jiwen, Y. Yuchuan and H. Jun - Jilin University (PRC) Z. Guosen and C. Qianyuan China National Oil and Gas (PRC) Session 12C engineering software An expert system aiding developers of engineering software packages C. Saurel - CERT (Toulouse, France) Symatrau - an expert system for 3D finite element modelling P. Trau - Enset (Cachan, France) Session 13A inexact reasoning Programming in fuzzy logic for expert systems design I. P. Orci - Stockholm University and KTH (Stockholm, Sweden) A hybrid-uncertainty theory E. M. Oblow - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA) The LEZARD sytem: an experiment in inexact reasoning in medical applications O. Gascuel, J. charlet, S. genetet and B. Mari INSERM (Paris, France) Session 13B Speech Recognition SYSTEXP - an expert system for acousticophonetic speech decoding N. Carbonell, D. Fohr and J. P. Haton- CRIN (NANCY, France) An expert system for identifying analytically words in continuous speech H. Meloni - Faculte des Sciences (Avignon, France) J. Gispert and J. Guizol - GIA (Marseilles, France) An expert system for speech recognition by signal segmentation S. Minault, M. Invernizzi and B. Dupeyrat CEA (Saclay, France) Session 13C electronics CAD Knowledge based selection and coordination of existing algorithms V. Jonckers - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) KnowPLACE - Knowledgebased placement of PCBS Hyung-Sik Park and W. C. Kabat Northwestern University PECOS - an expert hardware synthesis system C. R. Green US Army Research Office (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA) and S. G. Shiva Unviersity of Alabama (Huntsville, Alabama, USA) Session 14 - Artificial intelligence or intelligent artificats The polarisation approach to intelligent artificats - a hyper-hemispherical model S. Kableshkov - Burroughs Machines Ltd (Glasgow, UK) ------------------------------ End of AIList Digest ********************