LAWS@SRI-AI.ARPA (07/19/85)
From: AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws <AIList-REQUEST@SRI-AI> AIList Digest Friday, 19 Jul 1985 Volume 3 : Issue 95 Today's Topics: Queries - Prolog-Lisp Combinations & Scheme Benchmark Programs & Graphic User Interfaces & AI Handbook & Machine Learning List, Machine Learning - Mistakes, AI Tools - LISP vs. C, Publications - Announcement of IRList ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon 15 Jul 85 11:51:05-PDT From: Yigal Arens <ARENS@USC-ECLC.ARPA> Subject: Request for Prolog-Lisp combinations I'm interested in finding out about implementations of Prolog in Lisp or Lisp in Prolog(?), or any other version of either that allows one to program in both. I'm also interested in hearing from people who have experience using such a combination, and who can give me an idea how efficiently it works. Please respond to ARENS@USC-ECLC.ARPA. Thanks, Yigal Arens USC ------------------------------ Date: 15 Jul 1985 1649-CDT From: Arthur <> Subject: Scheme Benchmark Programs Sought I am beginning a Scheme performance evaluation project here at TI CSL, an initial task being to build a suite of benchmark programs. Beyond the Gabriel Lisp Benchmark Suite translated to Scheme and examples from 'Abelson & Sussman', most Scheme programs around these days seem to be "systems" code such as compilers and editors. I am soliciting Scheme "applications" code, especially programs that show off **canonical Scheme programming style**, e.g., extensive use of lexical scoping and first-class functions/environments/continuations in solving a problem. Users of MIT Scheme, Scheme 84, Chez Scheme, and T, let's see that simple, fast, elegant code you've been writing! What's in it for you? Well, possible enshrinement of your name and all or part of your favorite program in a "standard" benchmark suite for Scheme. Also, the good feeling that comes with advancing the cause of Lisp-Done-Right, since I hope to show off the performance advantages of the Scheme runtime model. Code that is as dialect-independent as possible (ideally conforms to the Revised Revised Report) would be appreciated. The ultimate suite of programs will be made available to interested parties, of course. Thanks for your cooperation, Arthur Altman Texas Instruments Computer Science Laboratory (214) 995-0383 CSNET: altman@ti-csl ARPANET: altman%ti-csl@csnet-relay U.S. Postal Service: M.S. 238, P.O. Box 226015, Dallas, Texas, 75266 ------------------------------ Date: Wed 17 Jul 85 13:47:57-PDT From: Mark Richer <RICHER@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA> Subject: QUERY - references on graphic user interfaces I am trying to collect references on the design, implementation and evaluation of user interfaces, particularly interfaces that employ interactive graphics (basically any bit-map display graphics), multiple windows, non-keyboard input devices (e.g., mouse), etc. Basically what are the key articles that have formed the core of conventional wisdom on workstation design and user-interfaces. Even more specifically, I want to get references on user-interface design in knowledge-based systems, especially browsers. Besides STEAMER and work I know of from Stanford (Mitch Model and ONCOCIN more recently), I have come across very little in the AI literature on graphic interfaces. Perhaps, I have missed some key articles, even in IEEE Computer or something. If I get a good response I can make a bibliography available one way or another on the net. I really would like complete references to specific articles rather than check out Englebart or Card&Moran. Though general pointers are also welcome. Thanks in advance to anyone that can contribute. mark ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Jul 85 23:19 EST From: Bill Faulkner <> Subject: Review request for AI Handbook I was recently thumbing through the July issue of Scientific American when I came across a Computer Science book club offer. A business reply card advertised a 3-volume Handbook of Artificial Intelligence for $4.95 as an incentive to enter the bookclub (which requires you to buy 3 more of their books during the next year). The Handbook and the book club are being offered by the "Library of Computer and Information Sciences" Riverside, NJ. I have been considering taking the risk and as a precautionary measure thought that I would ask if anybody out there has gotten a look at this Handbook. If any of you have subscribed, I would appreciate any comments you have about the Handbook, the company, and/or the quality and type of books being offered. Please send your replies directly to me at puppy@clemson if you're on csnet puppy.clemson@csnet-relay if you're on arpanet William Faulkner [This offer has been mentioned previously on AIList. The book club is reputable and efficient, and offers substantial discounts and rebates. Only about 5% of their offerings have any connection with AI, however; the rest is slanted toward data processing people and micro owners. Some of their currently-offered "past selections" are Wilensky's LISPcraft; Abelson & Sussman's Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs; Schmucker's Fuzzy Sets, Natural Language Computations, and Risk Analysis; and Pavlidis' Algorithms for Graphics and Image Processing. I think they had Steele's book on CommonLisp, but it's not advertised this month. The Handbook of AI is an excellent introduction to major currents in the field; read it cover to cover if you can find the time. I have my doubts about whether people will consult this often enough as a reference work to justify owning their own copies, but having it on your shelf can give you a warm feeling. -- KIL] ------------------------------ Date: 18 Jul 85 07:52:15 EDT (Thu) From: schwamb@mitre.ARPA Subject: Machine Learning List Our group here at MITRE is starting a new machine learning project oriented toward the improvement of expert system rule bases. Does anyone know if there is a machine learning list like AIList? This would certaintly be helpful for us, providing another outlet to banter ideas around. If there isn't a list, perhaps someone might be interested in starting one up. After all, with the coming MACHINE LEARNING journal starting in '86, the field will now have a better focus and more interest. Karl Schwamb ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Jul 85 10:18 pst From: "furth john%c.mfenet"@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: Mistakes Perhaps the computer fails to beat the best human player for the reason that "Computers don't make mistakes." This cliche does not hold up for every use of term, "mistake" -- one could say that the computer has made at least one mistake if it has lost. Let us define "error" as a certain sort of mistake which might not be a mistake after all. An "error" will occur when the response to an input is not "standard", a "standard" response being a part of the structure which is the context of the input. The computer program understands nothing but chess -- its responses are all standard. The human player, on the other hand, has experiences that differ in some or many respects from the experience of playing chess. When he or she receives an input in a game of chess, one which would elicit a standard response from the computer, a pattern there may be matched to a pattern outside of chess altogether, with the result that the human player responds with a non-standard move. Often this "error" will truly be a mistake. If the error turns out be superior to the standard move, then the player will profit by remembering and repeating it. The very attribute which gives the computer its power, the ability to process ideas in an entirely discrete manner, will always isolate it from the real world. Only with difficulty can a program even approach human experience. How then can the chess program obtain the breadth of experience which I am associating here with superior perform- ance? I suggest that the chess program be taught other games, mostly similar ones, say Checkers or Go, but also games of chance, Monopoly, for instance, or card games. Any goal oriented activity should do, so long as it can be discretized. We should shake the computer up a bit in hopes that it will survive and gain some insights otherwise unattainable. John Furth ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Jul 85 14:56:21 BST From: Subject: Re: LISP v C Some of us can do useful work on a small LISP system. The whole of the integration code for REDUCE was developed on a 400Kbyte usable store machine. Not all LISPs are that big. I know I am now using 1Mb virtual, but LISP provides a better environment in 512K than C. John Fitch ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Jul 85 14:47 EST From: Ed Fox <> Subject: Announcement of IRList This is to announce a new list on information retrieval. You may submit material for the digest to IRList%vpi@csnet-relay from the Internet, IRList@vpi from CSNET, IRList@vpics1 from BITNET. Administrative requests should be sent to IRList-Request. As you might expect, archival copies of all digests will be kept; feel free to ask IRList-Request for recent back issues. Note that FTP is not possible, so all communication must be by EMAIL or phone or letter. IRList is open to discussion of any topic related to information retrieval. Certainly, any material relating to ACM SIGIR is of interest. Our field has close ties to artificial intelligence, database management, information and library science, linguistics, ... A partial list of topics suitable are: Information Management/Processing/Science/Technology AI Applications to IR Indexing Abstracting Information Display Citations Information Theory Cognitive Psychology Knowledge Representation Communications Networks Language Understanding Computational Linguistics Library Science Computer Science NL Processing Cybernetics Natural Languages Data Abstraction Pattern Recognition Document Representations Library Science Electronic Books Probabilistic Techniques Expert Systems for IR Speech Analysis Full-Text Retrieval Statistical Techniques Hardware aids for IR Contributions may be anything from tutorials to rampant speculation. In particular, the following are sought: Abstracts Reviews Lab Descriptions Research Overviews Work Planned or in Progress Half-Baked Ideas Conference Announcements Conference Reports Bibliographies History of IR Queries and Requests Address Changes The only real boundaries to the discussion are defined by the topics of other mailing lists. Please do not send communications to both this list and AIList or the Prolog list, except in special cases. I have no objection to distributing material that is destined for conference proceedings or any other publication. I am involved in SIGIR Forum and unless you request otherwise may include submissions in whole or in part in future paper versions of the FORUM. Indeed, this is one form of solicitation for FORUM contributions! Both IRList and the FORUM are unrefereed. [...] -- Ed Fox Dr. Edward A. Fox, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Computer Science, 562 McBryde Hall, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI&SU or Virginia Tech), Blacksburg, VA 24061; (703)961-5113 or 6931. ------------------------------ End of AIList Digest ********************