AIList-REQUEST@SRI-AI.ARPA (AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws) (10/14/85)
AIList Digest Monday, 14 Oct 1985 Volume 3 : Issue 145 Today's Topics: Opinion - Military Support & AI Hype & CS and AI Definitions, AI Tools - Workstations & Lisp vs Prolog Implementation Facts, Call for Papers - IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu 10 Oct 85 12:07:50-PDT From: Rich Alderson <ALDERSON@SU-SCORE.ARPA> Subject: re: military flame Like it or not, the military CAN take credit for the interstate highway system, and the "civilian highway system in place before the interstates" as well--at least, I ASSUME that you are referring to the U. S. highway system. Both were built under the mandate of the Constitution of the United States (Philadelphia, 1787), which did not view "internal defence [as] a standard rationale for better internal transportation" but rather saw good internal transportation as vital to both the internal and external defense of a nation. Please note that the above is not a matter of opinion. My own opinions are just that, and I've had enough grief in my life for expressing them publicly. Obviously, I make NO claim to represent anyone else's opinions if I refuse to state my own. Rich Alderson ------------------------------ Date: Thu 10 Oct 85 10:12:48-PDT From: WYLAND@SRI-KL.ARPA Subject: AI Hype is unavoidable Part of the problem of AI hype is unavoidable: it is a result of the definition of the field, which assumes that, once the problem is defined, its solution is trivial. Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science represent two complementary approaches to the use of computers. AI is problem oriented, and CS is solution oriented. In CS, one assumes that the problem is (or is capable of being) well understood, and the task is to design a good (clean, efficient, fast, etc.) solution to the problem. In AI, the underlying assumption is that the solution will be trivial once the problem is understood, and that the task is to understand the problem. These two approaches are reflected in the names of the field. Computer Science is the science of using computers, a clear, hard, objective definition about the use of a tool to solve problems. Artificial Intelligence is concerned with the simulation of intelligence, a fuzzy, open, subjective definition about the study of the problem of simulating a human behavior called intelligence for which there is no clear, generally accepted definition. Each field encounters problems when its assumption is violated. In CS, programming disasters can result if you start coding before you have defined the problem. Therefore, CS has developed structured programming, programming specifications, etc. tools to insure that the problem *is* well defined before the solution is attempted. In AI, trouble starts when, after the problem is understood, the solution is *not* trivial in terms of computer performance, such as execution time and memory space. Then, you start hacking the algorithms in order to get results in a finite amount of time and memory, hoping that you are not betraying your understanding of the problem. Therefore, AI has developed extensive editors, debuggers, windows, etc. in an attempt to insure that the implementation of the solution remains trivial. I believe that much of the AI hype problem stems from the unstated assumption of trivial solutions. Profound and impressive insights expressed as toy problems typically do not "scale up" to the real world. An AI researcher involved in this situation is embarrassed but not humiliated: the original research on the problem is still valid; there is just a "temproary problem in creating a practical solution." This obviously creates frustration for the customers who thought they were buying a solution of the problem rather than an understanding of it. If the above is true, the problem of AI hype will not go away until the field develops enough solid understanding of the problem of intelligence to change its name from AI to a solution oriented name, like Machine Learning, etc. We are probably in the same position now that physical science was before Galileo and Newton when it was called Natural Philosophy - full of metaphysics, passionate argument, and conflicting data (i.e., where the action is). Dave Wyland ------------------------------ From: CONNOLLY CHRISTOPHER IAN <> Subject: AI Definition and Tools 1) I can't help but think that a cause of the recent arguments on AI hype rests in the question "What is AI?". Note that I say >>**"A"**<< cause. Definitions, anyone? 2) AI Machines - My observation is that the startup time on a 3600 without help is quite long. There are a few people here who have taken a Symbolics Lisp course and seem to have picked up on the stuff much more quickly (2 or 3 months?). Once you know how to use the machine though, I think it's a far better programming environment than VAX/VMS. I've seen nothing on a VAX that parallels the Window Debugger (wherein the entire stack can be dissected), the Inspector (wherein your data structures can be dissected), and the Flavor Examiner (wherein your data types can be inspected). The latter two are also a great help when you have no source. I think it speeds up my programming by a factor of 5, at least. Anyway, that's yet another opinion... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 12 Oct 85 12:28:27 EDT From: George J. Carrette <GJC@MIT-MC.ARPA> Subject: Lisp vs prolog, implementation facts Actually, all three of the Symbolics, LMI, and TI lispmachines give the lisp-level system programmer access to extremely low level data type and stack operations, there is no need to go to microcode for that sort of thing. The LM-PROLOG that I maintain from time to time in the Symbolics and LMI environment creates its own datatypes by the usual lisp punning techniques, fooling with locatives, forwarding pointers and the internals of CDR-CODED lists without needing microcode support, and amazingly keeping a good deal of transportability. Such is the ubiquity of certain hacks of lispmachine implementation. Microcode is used, optionally, only for hand-coding functions that are also written in lisp. The LM-PROLOG technique is in the class of CONTINUATION PASSING techniques of prolog implementations, as described for example in a chapter of Sussman and Ablesons "Structure and Interpretation ..." book. This kind of technique has more overhead associated with creation of real function evaluation frames and such, (at least on a simple stack-machine) and observably gets about 1/2 or 1/3 the BENCHMARK performance of a lower-level machine-model implementation such as described by Warren. Overall performance of a practical prolog "expert-system" may depend more on virtual memory performance considerations of course rather than what happens in the register-usage-mostly situation of some benchmarks. Also consider that commercial systems put into production often have assembly language coding of important subroutines, so high-level/low-level language interface issues are important. The continuation passing technique provides a more natural and efficient interface to "assembly language" (i.e. LISP on a LISPMACHINE) than other models. When talking about a commercial lispmachine it is important to think in terms of LISP as a COMPUTER ENGINEERING technique rather than as having anything to do with AI programming in particular. ------------------------------ Date: 12 Oct 1985 11:04-EDT From: milne@wpafb-afita Subject: call for papers - IEEE SMC CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS. SPECIAL ISSUE ON Causal and Strategic Aspects of Diagnostic Reasoning Papers are solicited for a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics that will be devoted to the topic, "Causal and Strategic Aspects of Diagnostic Reasoning." Dr. Robert Milne, Army Artificial Intelligence Center will be the guest editor of the special issue. While it is expected that the research to be reported will be typically backed up by concrete analyses or system building for real-world diagnostic problems, the intent is to collect the most sophisticated ideas for diagnostic reasoning viewed as a generic collection of strategies. Articles should attempt to describe the strategies in a domain-independent manner as much as possible. Articles that merely describe a successful diagnostic expert system in a domain by using well-known languages or strategies will typically not be appropriate. Papers reporting on psychological studies, epistemic analyses of the diagostic process, elucidating the strategies of first-generation expert systems, descriptions of specific diagnostic systems that incorporate new ideas for diagnostic reasoning, learning systems for diagnosis are some examples that will be appropriate. It is expected that most articles will typically concentrate on some version or part of the diagnostic problem, so it is important that the paper state clearly the problem that is being solved independent of the implementation approaches adopted. Papers will be reviewed carefully by referees selected by the Transactions Editorial Board. Five copies of the manuscript should be submitted to Dr. Robert Milne at the following address by January 15. It will be helpful if people who intend to submit manuscripts for consideration can let the guest editor know of their intent as soon as possible via arpanet or telephone. Submit papers by January 15th, 1986 to: Dr. Robert Milne US Army AI Center HQDA DAIM-DO Washington, D.C. 20310-0700 phone:(202)-694-6913 arpa: milne@wpafb-afita Author's Timeline: 15 January 1986 Papers Due 15 April 1986 Notificationo of acceptance/rejection 1 June 1986 Final Manuscripts due November 1986 Publication ------------------------------ End of AIList Digest ********************