scm@gitpyr.UUCP (Scott C McKay) (11/27/85)
FIRST AFWAL* RESEARCH WORKSHOP TO DEVELOP AND AUTOMATE A SCIENCE OF DESIGN FOR MILITARY WEAPONS SYSTEMS VIA APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Georgia Tech Research Institute Atlanta, Georgia March 24-26, 1986 The premise of this workshop is that appropriate research can create a new, invented Science of Design to support CAE/CAD in a CAE/CAD/CAM Military Weapons System Foundry. A Foundry is required for rapid design and production of complex weapons systems demanded by changing military mission requirements. CAE/CAD is viewed as a domain of Applied AI called Design Automation (DA), and Design Science is considered a subdiscipline of Design Automation. DA is viewed as a totally generic discipline whose domain is both weapons systems and their embedded electronics, including multiplatform systems. The discipline of DA incorporates requirements engineering, weapons system and subsystem configuration, the design of mission-specific system and subsystem functions, signal and data processing algorithm design, software engineering (including firmware), multiprocessor and processor design, and structural, mechanical, thermal, electrical, electromagnetic, and electronics (including analog) engineering. For this workshop the domain of DA will be limited to military embedded electronics systems (including multiplatform systems). Within this domain the workshop is generic, in that it includes all the preceding DA disciplines from requirements engineering to electronics engineering. The workshop's purpose is to prepare approximately five detailed near-term project plans for initial vectoring of DA-relevant research towards Weapons System Foundry objectives. One project plan will detail development of a DA Testbed. Additional special interest project plans may also be prepared. All workshop attendance expenses are the responsibility of attendees, and include a nominal registration fee for lunches and refreshments. Only US citizens will be allowed to attend the workshop. There is no a priori restriction on attendees' technical background or employer. An attendance limit of 40 participants may cause rejection of some attendance applications; however, all applicants will be provided copies of the draft workshop report for review. An Attendance Application Package is available on request. It contains a white paper defining AFWAL objectives for long term DA technology development, a detailed workshop description, and a questionnaire to establish individual applicant's DA-relevant qualifications and interests. To request an Attendance Application Package please contact: Mr Harold Noffke AFWAL/AARM-3 WPAFB OH 45433-6543 Tel: (513) 255-3655/5097/6071 *AFWAL stands for Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories.