[net.ai] intelligence for humans

colonel@sunybcs.UUCP (Col. G. L. Sicherman) (11/27/85)

["At last!  My new gorilla-detector machine!  They can't fool me now!"]

> It is interesting that many people seem to define "intelligence"
> as "what human beings do".  Many times I have heard arguements
> that basically come down to:  "X isn't a human being, therefore
> it isn't intelligent."
> David Messer   UUCP:  ...ihnp4!quest!dave

Well, there are two approaches to defining intelligence.

1)	As a trait that helps you survive.  But people do a lot
	of stupid things and get killed in ways that animals don't,
	so ...

2)	As a human trait.  This is much nicer.  Now when viruses
	pass info to one another, it isn't intelligence--it's only
	a disease conspiracy.
Col. G. L. Sicherman
UU: ...{rocksvax|decvax}!sunybcs!colonel
CS: colonel@buffalo-cs
BI: csdsicher@sunyabva

larry@kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) (11/28/85)

> > It is interesting that many people seem to define "intelligence"
> > as "what human beings do".  Many times I have heard arguements
> > that basically come down to:  "X isn't a human being, therefore
> > it isn't intelligent."
> Well, there are two approaches to defining intelligence.
> 1)	As a trait that helps you survive.  But people do a lot
> 	of stupid things and get killed in ways that animals don't,
> 	so ...
> 2)	As a human trait.  This is much nicer.  Now when viruses
> 	pass info to one another, it isn't intelligence--it's only
> 	a disease conspiracy.

	What's wrong with the `dictionary' definition of intelligence,
which I have always found to be most universally suited, and which eliminates
any allusion to anthropomorphism?

	"Intelligence is the capacity to apprehend facts [meaning actively
seek] and propositions and their relations and to reason about them"

===  Larry Lippman @ Recognition Research Corp., Clarence, New York        ===
===  UUCP    {decvax,dual,rocksanne,rocksvax,watmath}!sunybcs!kitty!larry  ===
===  VOICE   716/741-9185		 {rice,shell}!baylor!/             ===
===  FAX     716/741-9635 {AT&T 3510D}	             ihnp4!/               ===
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===                   "Have you hugged your cat today?"		           ===