burd@unm-cvax.UUCP (05/15/84)
The 1984 IEEE Workshop on Languages for Automation will be held November 1-3 in New Orleans at the Howard Johnsons Hotel. Papers on information processing languages for robotics, office automation, decision support systems, management information systems, communication, computer system design, CAD/CAM/CAE, database systems, and information retrieval are solicited. Complete manuscripts (20 page maximum) with 200 word abstract must be sent by July 1 to: Professor Shi-Kuo Chang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Illinois Institue of Technology IIT Center Chicago, IL 60616
Mario.Barbacci@cmu-cs-spice.arpa (06/13/84)
CALL FOR PAPERS WORKSHOP ON HARDWARE DESIGN VERIFICATION November 26-27, 1984 Technical University of Darmstadt, F.R. Germany This workshop is organized by IFIP Working Groups 10.2 and 10.5. Program will cover all aspects of verification methods for hardware systems, including: Correctness of hardware design, Tools and methodologies for verification, Verification of multilevel descriptions, Timing verification, Temporal logic, Correctness by construction, Circuit extractors, Design rule checkers, Language issues, Application of AI techniques. PARTICIPATION IS BY INVITATION ONLY. If you would like to propose a contribution to the workshop send a short summary of the intended presentation to the Workshop Chairman before July 31, 1984. Notices of acceptance will be sent by September 15, 1984. Workshop Committee: Hans Eveking (Chairman) Stephen Crocker Institut fuer Datentechnik Aerospace Corporation Technical University of Darmstadt P.O. Box 92957 D-6100 Darmstadt Los Angeles Fed. Rep. Germany California 90009 (49) (6151) 162075 George J. Milne Robert Piloty Computer Science Department Institut fuer Datentechnik University of Edinburgh Technical University of Darmstadt Edinburgh, Scotland D-6100 Darmstadt United Kingdom Fed. Rep. Germany
JES@MIT-XX.ARPA (08/29/84)
From: Joseph E. Stoy <JES@MIT-XX.ARPA> CALL FOR PAPERS FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE A Conference Sponsored by The International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committees 2 and 10 Nancy, France 16 to 19 September, 1985 This conference has been planned as a successor to the highly successful conference on the same topics held at Wentworth, New Hampshire, in October 1981. Papers are solicited on any aspect of functional or logic programming and on computer architectures to support the efficient execution of such programs. Nancy, in the eastern part of France, was the city of the Dukes of Lorraine; it is known for its "Place Stanistlas" and its "Palais Ducal". "Art Nouveau" started there at the beginning of this century. There are beautiful buildings and museums and, of course, good restaurants. Authors should submit five copies of a 3000 to 6000-word paper (counting a full page figure as 300 words), and ten additional copies of a 300-word abstract of the paper to the Chairman of the Programme Committee by 31 January 1985. The paper should be typed double spaced, and the names and affiliations of the authors should be included on both the paper and the abstract. Papers will be reviewed by the Programme Committee with the assistance of outside referees; authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 30 April 1985. Camera-ready copy of accepted papers will be required by 30 June 1985 for publication in the Conference Proceedings. Programme Committee: Makoto Amamiya (NTT, Japan) David Aspinall (UMIST, UK) Manfred Broy (Passau University, W Germany) Jack Dennis (MIT, USA) Jean-Pierre Jouannaud (CRIN, France) Manfred Paul (TUM, W Germany) Joseph Stoy (Oxford University, UK) John Willliams (IBM, USA) Address for Submission of Papers: J.E. Stoy, Balliol College, Oxford OX1 3BJ, England. Paper Deadline: 31 January 1985. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To receive a copy of the advance programme, return the following information to J.E. Stoy, Balliol College, Oxford OX1 3BJ, England or by electronic mail to JESTOY@UCL-CS.ARPA I plan to submit a paper: [ ] Subject: Name: Organisation: Address:
li51x@sdcc3.UUCP (li51x) (01/30/85)
CALL FOR PAPERS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE ON GENERAL LINGUISTICS APRIL 20-21, 1985 The Conference will be held at the University of California, San Diego. Papers from any of the subdisciplines of linguistics are eligible. Graduate students are especially encouraged to participate, and abstracts will be refereed anonymously. Please provide 10 copies of your single-page titled anonymous abstract, and include an index card with the fol- lowing information: Paper title (matching that on abstract) Author Address Phone number (including area code) Please send abstracts to the address below before 10 February 1985. Chilin Shih SCCGL Linguistics, C-008 UCSD La Jolla, CA 92093 Information about meals and accommodation will be mailed later. For further information call (619) 452-3600, Chilin Shih, Carol Georgopoulos, or Diane Lillo-Martin. You may reach Chilin at sdcc6!ix226@UCSD.arpa. Please use SCCGL as the subject heading.
steve@lpi3230.UUCP (Steve Burbeck) (11/22/85)
Call For Papers and Participation
ACM Conference on
Object Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications
September 29 - October 2, 1986, Portland, Oregon
OOPSLA-86 is a new ACM-sponsored conference that brings together users and
implementors of object oriented systems. Through tutorials, papers, panel
discussions and workshops, as well as demonstrations, exhibits and videotapes,
OOPSLA-86 will provide a forum for sharing experience and knowledge among
experts and novices alike.
We invite technical papers, case studies, and surveys in the following areas:
Theory: Including core definition of object oriented
programming, semantic models and methodology.
Languages: Existing object oriented languages, extensions to
conventional languages, and new languages.
Implementation: Including architectural support, compilation and
interpretation, and special techniques.
Tools and Environments: Including user interfaces, utilities and operating
system support.
Applications: Commercial, educational, and scientific applications
that exploit object oriented programming.
Related Work: The object oriented paradigm in other fields such as
databases and operating systems.
Papers on other relevant topics are welcome, as are proposals for workshops
and panel discussions.
All papers will be refereed prior to selection and inclusion in the conference
proceedings. Technical papers will be selected on the basis of originality and
contribution to the state of the art of design, implementation, methodology, or
practice. Survey papers will be selected on the basis of how well they
crystallize and integrate, in a way not previously presented, knowledge about
one or more aspects of the field.
Papers must be submitted in English, and should be no longer than 25
double-spaced pages. The cover page should include a title, an abstract of not
more than 100 words, and author's name, affiliation, address and phone number.
Five copies must be received by the Program Chairman at the address below, no
later than April 1, 1986. Authors will be notified of acceptance by May 1,
1986, and final versions of accepted papers will be due by June 15, 1986. As
the proceedings of this conference will be widely disseminated, publication of
more than an abstract of a submitted paper is likely to inhibit republication
in ACM's refereed publications.
A room at the conference will be reserved for video presentations that
illustrate or supplement the concepts conveyed in other presentations.
Submissions must run no longer than 15 minutes, and should be on 3/4-inch
U-Matic format tape. Tapes must be received by the Video Chairman at the
address below, no later than July 1, 1986.
Conference Chairmen Daniel Bobrow (Xerox PARC)
Alan Purdy (Servio Logic Development)
Program Chairman Daniel Ingalls, MS 22-Y
Apple Computer
20525 Mariani Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Video Chairman David Robson
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
vardi@diablo.UUCP (05/23/86)
CALL FOR PAPERS Sixth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on PRINCIPLES OF DATABASE SYSTEMS San Diego, California, March 23-25, 1987 The conference will cover new developments in both the theoretical and practical aspects of database and knowledge-base systems. Papers are solicited which describe original and novel research about the theory, design, specification, or implementation of database and knowledge- base systems. Some suggested, although not exclusive, topics of interest are: architecture, concurrency control, database and expert systems, database machines, data models, data structures for physical implementation, deductive databases, dependency theory, distributed systems, incomplete information, user interfaces, knowledge and data management, performance evaluation, physical and logical design, query languages, recursive rules, spatial and temporal data, statistical databases, and transaction management. You are invited to submit ten copies of a detailed abstract (not a complete paper) to the program chairman: Moshe Y. Vardi IBM Research K55/801 650 Harry Rd. San Jose, CA 95120-6099, USA (408) 927-1784 vardi@ibm.com Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of significance, originality, and overall quality. Each abstract should 1) contain enough information to enable the program committee to identify the main contribution of the work; 2) explain the importance of the work - its novelty and its practical or theoretical relevance to database and knowledge-base sys- tems; and 3) include comparisons with and references to relevant literature. Abstracts should be no longer than ten double-spaced pages. Deviations from these guidelines may affect the program committee's evaluation of the paper. The program committee consists of Umesh Dayal, Tomasz Imiel- inski, Paris Kanellakis, Hank Korth, Per-Ake Larson, Yehoshua Sagiv, Kari-Jouko Raiha, Moshe Vardi, and Mihalis Yannakakis. The deadline for submission of abstracts is October 10, 1986. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by December 8, 1986 (authors who supply an electronic address might be notified earlier). The accepted papers, typed on special forms, will be due at the above address by January 9, 1987. All authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign copyright release forms. Proceedings will be distributed at the conference, and will be subsequently available for purchase through ACM. General Chairman: Local Arrangements: Ashok K. Chandra Victor Vianu IBM Research Center Dept. of Computer Science P.O.Box 218 Univ. of California Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 La Jolla, CA 92093 (914) 945-1752 (619) 452-6227 ashok%yktvmx@ibm.com vianu@sdcsvax.ucsd.edu