[net.ai] experlisp and experops5 on machintosh

rolfs@kvvax4.UUCP (Rolf Skatteboe) (07/09/86)

    Is anybody out there, Hello:

We are working on a project which main goal is to developa intelligent
front endto a diagnosis system for industriel machinery. In order
to make a powerfuyl graphic interface we are using a mac as a front end      n
We are also using both experlisp and experops5,and have some problems with
that. We therefore hope that someone are able to help us.

The first question is ops5. In the original cmu ops5 it is possible
to call program written in other languages, for instance C, by using
the function (external) and (call) . Do exper ops5 provide the same facilliti,
es, and if not are there any other possibilities.

In the work of designig screen pictures, we want to call files created
from other applications, for insrtance 'dialog creator'. Is there any
way of calling such resourcefiles from experlisp?

We hope that the answers are given somewhere?

See  you around.


oster@ucblapis.UUCP (07/13/86)

ExperLisp allows interface to the Mac's memory manager, and to machie
 If you use something, like LightSpeed C, to create a pure macihine code
 segment, you can read it into ExperLisp and dispatch to it.  passing it
 reasonable arguments may be something of a problem though. (You can
 always creat a handle to a chunk of memory, pass that, then examoine it

--- David Phillip Oster		-- "We live in a Global Village."
Arpa: oster@lapis.berkeley.edu  --
Uucp: ucbvax!ucblapis!oster     -- "You are Number Six."

rapaport@sunybcs.UUCP (William J. Rapaport) (07/15/86)

There is a good review of experops5 by William Jacobs in the latest
issue of Byte.  You should read it carefully before using experops5.

				William J. Rapaport
				Assistant Professor

Dept. of Computer Science, SUNY Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260
(716) 636-3193, 3180
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cs:     rapaport@buffalo
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