[net.ai] Common Lisp and Prolog on VM/CMS

dsn@umcp-cs.UUCP (07/21/86)

We are looking for implementations of Common Lisp and Prolog that run under
VM/CMS, to be used for undergraduate/graduate instruction.  I'd appreciate
any information people might have about the following:

(1) Does anyone know of a decent Common Lisp that runs under VM/CMS?
    (IBM Lisp isn't suitable for our purposes, since it's rather different
    from Common Lisp).

(2) Has anyone had experience using IBM Prolog?  How natural would it be to
    use for one accustomed to C-Prolog (or any other Prolog that uses the
    syntax described in Clocksin and Mellish)?

(3) Does anyone know of a Prolog that runs under VM/CMS that's closer to
    C-Prolog?  Or, for that matter, does anyone know whether C-Prolog can
    be made to run under VM/CMS?

Dana S. Nau,  Comp. Sci. Dept.,  U. of Maryland,  College Park,  MD 20742
dsn@maryland		seismo!umcp-cs!dsn		(301) 454-7932

dsn@umcp-cs.UUCP (07/21/86)

We are looking for implementations of Common Lisp and Prolog that run under 
VM/CMS, to be used for undergraduate/graduate instruction.  I'd appreciate
any information people might have about the following:

(1) Does anyone know of a decent Common Lisp that runs under VM/CMS? 
    (IBM Lisp isn't suitable for our purposes, since it's rather different
    from Common Lisp).

(2) Has anyone had experience using IBM Prolog?  How natural would it be to
    use for one accustomed to C-Prolog (or any other Prolog that uses the
    syntax described in Clocksin and Mellish)? 
(3) Does anyone know of a Prolog that runs under VM/CMS that's closer to 
    C-Prolog?  Or, for that matter, does anyone know whether C-Prolog can
    be made to run under VM/CMS? 

Dana S. Nau,  Comp. Sci. Dept.,  U. of Maryland,  College Park,  MD 20742
dsn@maryland		seismo!umcp-cs!dsn		(301) 454-7932