(C.M.Kennedy) (07/29/86)
CONNECTIONIST APPRAOCHES TO EXPERT SYSTEM LEARNING I wish to hear about any research on the following topic: The application of connectionist models, in particular feature discovery networks (e.g. kohonen nets) to the problem of knowledge induction in expert systems. Applications of connectionist models to other areas of symbolic processing or knowledge representation are also of interest. I would be pleased to receive (via mail) the following information: 1. A summary of what the research is attempting to achieve, methods used and degree of success, 2. how to obtain more detailed documentation (e.g. technical reports), 3. references on literature used for the research or which may be of future interest. I would also be interested to hear of anyone else with similar interests who can contribute useful ideas or knows of any specific literature on the subject. Catriona Kennedy Brunel University