(C.M.Kennedy ) (08/22/86)
The following is a list of the useful replies received so far: From Thu Jul 31 13:14:07 1986 Received: from reading by; Thu, 31 Jul 86 13:14:00 GMT Received: by Onion.Cs.Reading.AC.UK with X25 (Reading Mail System 3.11/3.22) id AA10407; Thu, 31 Jul 86 10:10:32 bst Received: from mcvax by eagle.Ukc.AC.UK with authorised UUCP id a022369; 30 Jul 86 11:11 BST Received: by mcvax.uucp; Wed, 30 Jul 86 10:10:10 +0200 (MET) Message-Id: <8607300810.AA13515@mcvax.uucp> Date: Wed, 30 Jul 86 8:56:08 BST From: Ronan Reilly <> To: Sender: Status: R To: mcvax!ukc!reading!brueer!ckennedy Subject: Re: Connectionist Approaches To Expert System Learning References: <> Hi, What you're looking for, effectively, are attempts to implement production systems within a connectionist framework. Researchers are making progress, slowly but surely, in that direction. The most recent paper I've come across in thge area is: Touretzky, D. S. & Hinton, G. E. (1985). Symbols among the neurons details of a connectionist inference architecture. In Proceedings IJCAI '85, Los Angeles. I've a copy of this somewhere. So if the IJCAI proceedings don't come to hand, I'll post it onto you. There are two books which are due to be published this year, and they are set to be the standard reference books for the area: Rumelhart, D. E. & McClelland, J. L. (1986). Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition. Vol. 1: Foundations. Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books. Rumelhart, D. E. & McClelland, J. L. (1986). Parallel distributed processing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition. Vol. 2: Applications. Cambridge, MA: Bradford Books. Another good source of information on the localist school of connectionism is the University of Rochester technical report series. They have one report which lists all their recent connectionist reports. The address to write to is: Computer Science Department The University of Rochester Rochester, NY 14627 USA I've implemented a version of the Rochester ISCON simulator in Salford Lisp on our Prime 750. The simulator is a flexible system for building and testing connectionist models. You're welcome to a copy of it. Salford Lisp is a Maclisp variant. Regards, Ronan ...mcvax!euroies!rreilly From Sun Aug 3 12:00:12 1986 Received: from reading by; Sun, 3 Aug 86 12:00:07 GMT Received: by Onion.Cs.Reading.AC.UK with X25 (Reading Mail System 3.11/3.22) id AA22897; Sun, 3 Aug 86 11:54:29 bst Received: from mcvax by eagle.Ukc.AC.UK with authorised UUCP id a018511; 3 Aug 86 8:11 BST Received: by mcvax.uucp; Sun, 3 Aug 86 00:19:23 +0200 (MET) Received: from s3sun.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV with UUCP; Sat, 2 Aug 86 17:57:29 EDT Received: by s3sun (4.24/5.20a) id AA18967; Sat, 2 Aug 86 14:45:22 pdt Received: by (5.31/4.42) id AA06711; Sat, 2 Aug 86 09:30:56 PDT hops=0 Date: Sat, 2 Aug 86 09:33:46 PDT From: Mike Mozer <> Message-Id: <8608021633.AA05908@sdics.ICS> Received: by sdics.ICS scf2.7vax; Sat, 2 Aug 86 09:33:46 PDT To: Mmdf-Warning: Parse error in preceding line at Ukc.AC.UK Subject: Re: Connectionist Approaches To Expert System Learning References: <> Sender: Status: R I've just finished a connectionist expert system paper, which I'd be glad to send you if you're interested (need an address, though). Here's the abstract: RAMBOT: A connectionist expert system that learns by example Expert systems seem to be quite the rage in Artificial Intelligence, but getting expert knowledge into these systems is a difficult problem. One solution would be to endow the systems with powerful learning procedures which could discover appropriate behaviors by observing an expert in action. A promising source of such learning procedures can be found in recent work on connectionist networks, that is, massively parallel networks of simple processing elements. In this paper, I discuss a Connectionist expert system that learns to play a simple video game by observing a human player. The game, Robots, is played on a two-dimensional board containing the player and a number of computer-controlled robots. The object of the game is for the player to move around the board in a manner that will force all of the robots to collide with one another before any robot is able to catch the player. The connectionist system learns to associate observed situations on the board with observed moves. It is capable not only of replicating the performance of the human player, but of learning generalizations that apply to novel situations. ----- Mike Mozer From Sat Aug 9 05:38:59 1986 Received: from reading by; Sat, 9 Aug 86 05:38:53 GMT Received: by Onion.Cs.Reading.AC.UK with X25 (Reading Mail System 3.11/3.22) id AA19352; Sat, 9 Aug 86 05:19:55 bst Received: from mcvax by eagle.Ukc.AC.UK with authorised UUCP id a019414; 9 Aug 86 5:15 BST Received: by mcvax.uucp; Sat, 9 Aug 86 03:08:34 +0200 (MET) Received: from rochester.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV with UUCP; Fri, 8 Aug 86 19:31:10 EDT Received: by id AA28877 (4.12w); Fri, 8 Aug 86 19:06:40 edt Received: by ur-tut.UUCP id AA27342 (4.12wj); Fri, 8 Aug 86 18:53:57 edt Message-Id: <8608082253.27342@ur-tut.UUCP> Date: Fri, 8 Aug 86 18:53:57 edt From: Tom Frauenhofer <> To: Subject: Re: Connectionist Approaches To Expert System Learning Newsgroups: In-Reply-To: <> Organization: U. of Rochester Computing Center Sender: Status: R Catriona, I am (slightly) familiar with a thesis by Gary Cotrell of the U of R here that dealt with a connectionist approach to language understanding. I believe he worked closely with a psychologist to figure out how people understand language and words, and then tried to model the behavior in a connectionist framework. You should be able to get a copy of the thesis from the Computer Science Department here. It's not expert systems, but it is fascinating. - Tom Frauenhofer ...!seismo!rochester!ur-tut!tfra From Sat Aug 9 17:25:29 1986 Received: from reading by; Sat, 9 Aug 86 17:25:20 GMT Received: by Onion.Cs.Reading.AC.UK with X25 (Reading Mail System 3.11/3.22) id AA21365; Sat, 9 Aug 86 16:34:56 bst Received: from [] by 44d.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK via Satnet with SMTP id a001229; 8 Aug 86 17:40 BST Date: Fri, 8 Aug 86 11:38:43 CDT From: Pete Sandon <> Message-Id: <> Received: by; Fri, 8 Aug 86 11:38:43 CDT To:, Subject: Connectionist Learning Status: R Hi, You may have already received this information, but I will pass it along anyway. Steve Gallant, at Northeastern University, has done some work on using a modified perceptron learning algorithm for expert system knowledge acquisition. He has written a number of tech reports in the last few years. His email address is: sig@northeastern.csnet. His postal address is: Steve Gallant College of Computer Science Boston, MA. 02115 --Pete Sandon