harnad@mind.UUCP (Stevan Harnad) (10/11/86)
[Please post hard copy locally] SOCIETY FOR PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY Call for Papers for 1987 Annual Meeting University of California at SAN Diego, June 21 - 23 1987 The Society for Philosophy and Psychology is calling for contributed papers and symposium proposals for its 13th annual meeting in San Diego. The Society consists of psychologists, philosophers, and other cognitive scientists with common interests in the study of behavior, cognition, language, the nervous system, artificial intelligence, consciousness, and the foundations of psychology. Past participants in annual meetings have included: N. Chomsky, D. Dennett, J. Fodor, C. R. Gallistel, J. J. Gibson, S. J. Gould, R. L. Gregory, R. J. Herrnstein, D. Hofstadter, J. jaynes, G. A. Miller, H. Putnam, Z. Pylyshyn, W. V. Quine, R. Schank, W. Sellars and P. Teitelbaum. Contributed Papers are refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to both psychologists and philosophers. Psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, computer scientists and biologists are encouraged to report experimental, theoretical and clinical work that they judge to have philosophical significance. Contributed papers are for oral presentation and should not exceed a length of 30 minutes (about 12 double-spaced pages). The deadline for submision is 12 January, 1987. Please send three copies to the Program Chairman: Professor William Bechtel Society for Philosophy and Psychology Department of Philosophy Georgia State University Atlanta GA 30303-3083 Phone: (404) 658-2277 Symposium proposals should also be sent to the above address as soon as possible. Local Arrangements: Professor Patricia Kitcher, B-002, Department of Philosophy, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla CA 92093. Individuals interested in becoming members of the Society should send $15 membership dues ($5 for students) to Professor Kitcher at the above address. SPP Officers: President: Stevan Harnad (Behavioral & Brain Sciences) President-Elect: Alvin I. Goldman (U. Arizona) Secretary Treasurer: Patricia Kitcher (UCSD) Program Chairman: William Bechtel (U. Georgia) Executive Committee: Myles Brand (U. Arizona) R. S. Jackendoff (Brandeis) Daniel Dennett (Tufts) William Lycan (U. N. Carolina) Fred Dretske (U. Wisconsin) John Macnamara (McGill) Jerome A. Feldman (U. Rochester) Carolyn Ristau (Rockefeller) Janet Fodor (CUNY) Anne Treisman (UC, Berkeley) Alison Gopnik (U. Toronto) Robert Van Gulick (Syracuse U.) Charles C. Wood (Yale) [PLEASE POST HARD COPY LOCALLY]