[net.college] MIT survey

larry@grkermit.UUCP (Larry Kolodney) (07/12/83)

Well, it seems like the responses to my MIT survey request have stopped
coming in, so here's a preliminary summary of the results.

I got responses from 53 people.

Of that group, 12 were currently MIT students.

Of the alumni, 23 were B.S. candidates.

There were quite a few non-course-6 majors (for you non-mit-folk,
course 6 is ee, cs).

1 Mech. E.
1 Chem E.
1 Physics
1 Aero-Astro
2 Math
1 Management

Most people included their name and year.  Less provided majors, and still
less said what they were doing now.

Of those who did indicate what they were doing.
There were

13 Programmers
4 Teachers
1 Manager

For a more detailed summary including net-address, send me mail.

Also, if you are one of the people who sent me info, and don't want
to be included in this list, let me know.

Thank you to all who submitted.

-larry kolodney sb '85 sm? '86  (East Campus)
Larry Kolodney #13 (I try harder)

(ARPA)  rms.g.lkk@mit-ai