ab3@stat-l (Rsk the Wombat) (04/03/84)
Well, this seemed to be popular before, so here, garnered from articles in this newsgroup, private mailings, and the latest maps in net.news.group, is the probably-incomplete-as-usual list of colleges and universities on the network. Additions, corrections, and large quantities of folding money cheerfully accepted at the address below. Doo rah. ---Rsk (pur-ee!rsk) Albert Einstein College of Medicine Arizona State University Athabasca University, Edmonton Bradley University Brigham Young University Brown University California Institute of Technology Cambridge University (LM) Carleton University Case Western Reserve University Chalmers University of Technology Colorado State University Columbia University Cornell University Dalhousie University Dartmouth College Delft University of Technology Duke University Emory University Florida Atlantic University Free University of Brussels Georgia Institute of Technology Glasgow University Harvard University Helsinki University of Technology Heriot-Watt University Indiana University Johns Hopkins University Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Linus-Pauling Institute Loyalist College Luleaa Institute of Technology Lund Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Melbourne University Mellon Institute Memorial University of Newfoundland New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology New York University North Carolina A&T North Carolina State University Ohio State University Oregon Graduate Center Oregon State University Paisley College of Technology Pennsylvania State University Presbyterian-University of Pennsylvania Princeton University Purdue University Reading University Reed College Rice University Rochester Institute of Technology Rockefeller University Royal Institute of Technology Saint Joseph's University Simon Fraser University Southern Methodist University St. Olaf College State University of New York at Buffalo State University of New York at Stony Brook Tampere University of Technology Twente University of Technology Universitaet Dortmund, Informatik / IRB Universiteit van Amsterdam University College London University of Alberta University of Arizona University of Bradford University of British Columbia University of Caifornia University of Calgary University of California, Berkeley University of California, San Diego University of California, San Francisco University of Central Florida University of Cincinnati University of Colorado, Boulder University of Copenhagen University of Delaware University of Edinburgh University of Florida University of Glasgow University of Hawaii University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign University of Kent University of London, Westfield College University of Maryland University of Melbourne University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of New Mexico University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) University of Oklahoma University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Reading University of Rochester University of Saskatchewan University of St. Andrews University of Stockholm University of Sydney University of Tampere University of Texas, Austin University of Toronto University of Utah University of Victoria University of Virginia University of Washington, Seattle University of Waterloo University of Western Ontario University of Wisconsin University of Zuerich VA Wadsworth Medical Center/UCLA Dept. of Neurology Vrije Universiteit Wang Institute of Graduate Studies Washington University Yale University