[net.college] what we're reading on college campuses

ag5@pucc-k (Henry C. Mensch) (11/27/84)


	This listing comes from a weekly survey by the Chronicle of Higher
Education; they survey thirty-five college bookstores all over the country.
The result is what we have here:

Position	Title/Author
--------	------------

    1		In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's
		Best Run Companies, by Thomas Peters & Rob't Waterman
    2		Loving Each Other, by Leo Buscaglia
    3		Pet Sematary, by Stephen King
    4		The Talisman, by Stephen King and Peter Straub
    5		Motherhood: The Second Oldest Profession, by Erma Bombeck
    6		Poland, by James Michener
    7		In Search of the Far Side, by Gary Larson
    8		Lisa Birnbach's College Book
    9		The Road Less Traveled, by M. Scott Peck
   10		Megatrends, by John Naisbitt

	I suppose this lets us know where college students are...

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