[net.college] College/University sites on Usenet

rsk@pucc-k (Wombat) (07/10/85)

	It's been about a year since I posted this list; it's garnered
from the Usenet site list posted every now and then in net.news.map.
I'm sure it has omissions; I use a simple script to look for site
names that appear to belong to colleges and universities, and I'm
sure it's incomplete.   Improvements happily accepted.

The script:
egrep "Undergrad|Grad|College|Institute|Univ" ~/misc/usenet.sites
The list:
aauobs		Aarhus University
acf2		New York University, Courant Institute
acf4		New York University, Courant Institute
aecom		Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Scientific Computing Center
albany		State Univ. of New York at Albany, Dept. of Computer Science
alberta		University of Alberta, Dept. of Computer Science
alibaba		Department of Applied Electronics,  Lund Institute of Technology
amador		Stanford University
apl-uw		Univ. of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory
aplvax		Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
arizona		University of Arizona, Dept. of Computer Science
ark		Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica
astrovax		Princeton University, Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences
asuvax		Arizona State University
aud		Aalborg University Datacenter
auvax		Athabasca University Computing Services
az70		University of Arizona, Dept. of Computer Science
basser		University of Sydney, Basser Dept. of Computer Science
bgsuvax		Bowling Green State Univ., Computer Services/Math Science Bldg.
botter		Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica
boulder		University of Colorado, Boulder
bradley		Bradley University, Text Processing
browngr		Brown University
brunix		Brown University, Dept. of Computer Science
bu-jrn		Bradley University, Text Processing
byucsa		Brigham Young University, Computer Science Dept.
cadif780		Cornell University, Computer Aided Design Instructional Facility
cadomin		University of Alberta, Dept. of Computing Science
cadre		University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
calgary		University of Calgary, Dept. of Computer Science
camjenny		University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
camsteve		University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
carmel		Stanford University
cascade		Stanford University
casey		Kwantlen College
cavell		University of Alberta, Dept. of Computing Science
cecil		National Institutes of Health, Computer Systems Laboratory, Division of Computer Research and Technology
cfib		The Consumer Financial Institute
chalmers		Chalmers University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science
cheviot		Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle
cincy		University of Cincinnati, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng.
cires		University of Colorado, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
cit-vax		California Institute of Technology
cithep		California Institute of Technology, High Energy Physics
clan		Carleton University, Department of Systems Engineering
cmcl1		New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
cmcl2		New York University, Courant Mathematics & Computing Laboratory
cmucspt		Carnegie-Mellon University, Dept. of Computer Science/ Robotics Institute Research Facility
cornell		Cornell University, Dept. of Computer Science
crystal		University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept.
cs-arthur		Purdue University, Dept. of Computer Science
cs-mordred		Purdue University, Dept. of Computer Science
cs44		University of South Carolina, Dept. of Computer Science
csbstan		University of St.Andrews
cskaist		Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Computer Science
csl-vax		Stanford University
cstvax		Edinburgh University
csu-cs		Colorado State Univ.
csu60		Univ. of New South Wales, Computing Services Unit
csugnat		Colorado State University
csuslo		California Polytechnic State University
cubsvax		Columbia University, Biological Sciences Dept.
cucard		Columbia University, Dept. of Medicine
cuedvax		Cambridge University Engineering Department
cvl		University of Maryland, Computer Vision Lab
cwruecmp		Case Western Reserve University, Dept. of Computer Engineering
cybavax		University College of Swansea, Dept. of Maths & Computer Science
cyber		Bradley University, Computer Center
daimi		Aarhus University, Dept. of Datalogy (DAIMI)
dalcs		Dalhousie University, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing Science
dalstats		Dalhousie University, Statistics Group
dartvax		Dartmouth College, Kiewit Computation Center
dcc1		DeKalb Community College, Academic Computer Center
dciem		Defence and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine
deepthot		University of Western Ontario, Dept. of Computer Science
diku		University of Copenhagen, Institute of Datalogy +DIKU
down		Princeton University, Dept. of EECS
drexel		Drexel University
duke		Duke University, Computer Science Department
dukee		Duke University, School of Engineering
dutentb		Delft University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering
dutesta		Delft University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering
dutinfa		Delft University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Informatics
dutinfd		Delft University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Informatics
ecn-pc		Purdue University, Potter Engineering Center
edai		Edinburgh University
edcaad		Department of Architecture, Edinburgh University
elecadel		Electrical Engineering, University of Adelaide
elecvax		University of NSW, School of Elec Eng and Computer Science
elsie		National Institute of Health
emory		Emory University, Dept. of Math and Computer Science
emorycc		Emory University, Computing Center
emoryu1		Emory University, Computing Center
eneevax		University of Maryland, College Park, EE Dept.
entropy		University of Washington, Seattle; Stat., Biostat., and Math Depts.
euclid		VLSI Group, Warwick University
exnet		Iowa State University, Integrated Pest Management
fau		Florida Atlantic University, College of Buisiness and Public Administration, Computer Systems Department
fauern		Friedrich Alexander Universitaet  Erlangen
faupe40		Friedrich Alexander Universitaet  Erlangen
fisher		Princeton University, Dept. of Statistics
flakey		Princeton University, Dept. of EECS
flame		VLSI Group, Warwick University
ftf		Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Solid State Physics
fysik4		Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics IV
garfield		Memorial University of Newfoundland, Dept. of Computer Science
gargoyle		University of Chicago, Computer Science Department
gatech		Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Information and Computer Science (ICS)
geocub		Universite de Bordeaux 1, Greco de Programmation de CNRS
geowhiz		University of Wisconsin, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics
glacier		Stanford University
glasgow		Glasgow University, Computing Science Dept
glhocus		Glasgow University, Computing Science Dept
gondor		Pennsylvania State University
gonzo		VLSI Group, Warwick University
green		Johns Hopkins University, Biophysics Department
gymble		Univ. of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., Laboratory for Parallel Processing
h-sc4		Harvard University, Science Center
hal		Case Western Reserve Univ., School of Medicine
harvard		Harvard University, Center for Research in Computing Technology, Aiken Computation Laboratory
hfhrv		University of Michigan, Department of Radiology, Henry Ford Hospital
hut		Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory for Information Processing Science
hwcs		Heriot-Watt University, Computer Science Dept.
ibt		University of Copenhagen, Indre By-terminal
ic-cs		Dept of Computing, Imperial College of Science and Technology
ic-jlab		Microcomputer Laboratory, Imperial College Computer Centre
icase		Institute for Computer Applications in Science and  Engineering, (ICASE)
icdoc		Dept of Computing, Imperial College of Science and Technology
idis		University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science
iiasa70		International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
iiasavax		International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
iris		Brown University
isrnix		Institute for Social Research
isucs1		Iowa State University, Dept. of Computer Science
iuvax		Indiana University, Computer Science Department
jasper		University of Alberta, Dept. of Computing Science
kaist		Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, System Architecture Lab.
kcl-cs		Kings College, Department of Computer Science, University Of London
ketri		Korea Electrotechnology and Telecommunication Research Institute
kiet		Korea Institute of Electronics Technology
klipper		Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica
koudai		Tokyo Institute of Technology
kunivv1		University of Nijmegen, Faculty of Science
lems		Brown University, Engineering Dept.
liuida		University of Linkoping, Department of Computer Science
loyalist		Community College Technology Department.
lpi3230		Linus-Pauling Institute
lth		Lund Institute of Technology, Dept. of Computer Technology
lucy		University of Copenhagen, Observatory of Astronomics
luth		Luleaa Institute of Technology, Dept. of Computer Technology
medman		Case Western Reserve University, Department of Neurology
metro		University of Sydney, Computing Centre
mi-cec		Mellon Institute, Computer Engineering Center
mit-eddie		MIT, EECS Dept., Undergraduate Computer Facility
moncol		Monmouth College, Computer Center
moncskermit		Monash Univ., Computer Science Dept.
muddcs		Harvey Mudd College, Computer Science Dept.
mulga		University of Melbourne, Department of Computer Science
mungunni		University of Melbourne, Comp Sci, Machine Intelligence Grp.
munnari		University of Melbourne, Department of Computer Science
mupsy		University of Manchester, Department of Psychology
murdu		University of Melbourne, Computer Centre
navajo		Stanford University
ncsu		North Carolina State University, EE Department
ndsuvax		North Dakota State Univ., Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
neoucom		Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
nimbus		Georgia Institute of Technology, The Clouds Project
nmtvax		New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
obelix		University of Linkoping, Department of Computer Science
oddjob		University of Chicago, Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics
ogcvax		Oregon Graduate Center, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
okstate		Oklahoma State Univ., Dept. of Computing and Information Sciences
orstcs		Oregon State University, Computer Science Dept.
osiris		Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Services Office
osu-eddie		Ohio State University, Laboratory for DataBase System Research
otifbi		Ontario Tree Improvement & Forest Biomass Institute
paisley		Maths and Computing Dept, Paisley College of Technology
pbinfo		Universitaet/GHS Paderborn, FB17/Informatik
pgd3		Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Dept. of Computer Science
pgd4		Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Dept. of Computer Science
phonlab		Univ. of California, San Diego, Phonetics Lab
phri		Public Health Research Institute
phs		Duke University Medical Center, Dept. of Physiology
physiol		University of Sydney, Dept. of Physiology
pitt		University of Pittsburgh, Computer Science Dept.
popvax		Harvard University, School of Public Health
presby		Presbyterian-Univ. of Pennsylvania Med. Ctr., Dept. of Cardiology
princeton		Princeton University, EECS Department
prodigal		University of Pittsburgh, Decision Systems Laboratory
psupdp1		The Pennsylvania State Univ., Computer Science Dept.
psuvax1		The Pennsylvania State University, Computer Science Dept.
pucc-h		Purdue University, Computing Center
pucc-i		Purdue University, Computing Center
pucc-k		Purdue University, Computing Center
pur-ee		Purdue University, Electrical Engineering Dept.
pur-phy		Purdue University, Physics Department
purdue		Purdue University, Dept. of Computer Sciences
qmc-cs		Queen Mary College, University of London
qucis		Queen's University
quirky		Princeton University, Dept. of EECS
rbiffm		Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet Frankfurt/Main, Informatik RBI
reed		Reed College
ritcv		Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology (CineVax)
ritvp		Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Computer Science and Technology (VaxPopuli)
rna		Rockefeller University, Dept. of Neurobiology
rochester		University of Rochester, Computer Science Dept.
rocky2		Rockefeller University
rti		Research Triangle Institute
rti-sel		Research Triangle Institute
ru-cc44		University of Reading
ru-cs44		University of Reading
ru-ps44		University of Reading
sask		University of Saskatchewan, Academic Computing Services
sdamos		Univ. of California, San Diego, Phonetics Lab
sdcarl		Univ. of California, San Diego, Audio Research Lab.
sdcatta		Univ. of California, San Diego, Computer Center
sdcattb		Univ. of California, San Diego, Computer Center
sdcc3		Univ. of California, San Diego
sdcc6		Univ. of California, San Diego
sdcc7		Univ. of California, San Diego
sdccs5		Univ. of California, San Diego
sdchema		Univ. of California, San Diego, Dept. of Chemistry
sdcsla		Univ. of California, San Diego, Cognitive Science Laboratory
sdcsvax		Univ. of California, San Diego, EECS Dept.
sdsioa		Univ. of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Shipboard Computer Group
sfucmpt		Simon Fraser University, Computer Science Lab
shire		Pennsylvania State University
sjuvax		Saint Joseph:s University, Dept. of Math/Computer Science
ski		Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Sciences
slinac		University of Saskatchewan, Linear Accelerator Lab.
smu		Southern Methodist University, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
snucom		Seoul National University, Dept. of Computer Engineering 
sphinx		University of Chicago, Computation Center
sri		Sugar Research Institute
stat-l		Purdue University, Statistics Department
stolaf		St. Olaf College, Academic Computer Center
stratus		Georgia Institute of Technology, The Clouds Project
suadb		University of Stockholm
sunybcs		State University of New York at Buffalo, Computer Science Department
tardis		Harvard University
taycs		University of Tampere, Computer Science Division
tcdmath		Trinity College Dublin, School of Mathematics
tdeap		Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Applied Electronics
tesla		Cornell Univ Electrical Engineering Dept.
thor		University of Copenhagen, Institute of Datalogy
thtel		Twente University of Technology, Dept. of Electr. Engg.
thtrc		Twente University of Technology
thunder		Lakehead University, Computer Center
tilt		Princeton University, EECS Dept.
tivax		The Turing Institute
tjalk		Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica
tnosoes		Institute for Perception TNO
topaz		Rutgers University, Center for Computer and Information Services
ttds		Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Computer Systems
ttdsa		Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Computer Systems
ttdsp		Royal Institute of Technology, Dept. of Computer Systems
tubkbsc		Technische Universitaet Berlin / Institut fuer Kommunikations- und Betriebssysteme
tut		Tampere University of Technology, Computer Science Laboratory
twin40		University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC)
txsil		Summer Institute of Linguistics
uab_cs		University of Alabama, Computer Science
ubc-andrew		The University of British Columbia, Computer Scinece
ubc-bdc		The University of British Columbia, Bio-Sciences Data Centre
ubc-cs		The University of British Columbia, Computer Science
ubc-ean		University of British Columbia, Dept. of Computer Science
ubc-medgen		University of British Columbia, Dept. of Medical Genetics
ubc-vision		University of British Columbia, Dept. of Computer Science
ubu		VLSI Group, Warwick University
ucbcad		Univ. of California, Berkeley, CAD Group
ucbesvax		University of California, Berkeley
ucbopal		University of Caifornia, Berkeley, Computer Center
ucbtopaz		Univ. of California, Berkeley, Computer Center
ucbvax		Univ. of California, Berkeley, Computer Systems Research Group
ucf-cs		Univ. of Central Florida, Computer Science Dept.
ucl-cs		University College, University of London
ucla-cime		UCLA, Crump Institute for Medical Engineering
ucobs		University of Copenhagen, Observatory of Astronomics
ucsbcsl		University of California, Santa Barbara, Computer Systems Lab
ucsfcgl		University of California, San Francisco, Computer Graphics Lab.
udenva		University of Denver, Computing Services
udrelay		University of Delaware
uf-cgrl		University of Florida, Gainesville, Computer Graphics Research Group
uf-che		University of Florida, Department of Chemical Engineering
uf-csg		Univ. of Florida, Computer and Information Sciences Dept.
uf-csv		Univ. of Florida, Computer and Information Sciences Dept.
uhpgvax		University of Hawaii, Planetary Geosciences
uicsg		University of Illinois, Computer Systems Group
uicsl		University of Illinois, Coordinated Science Lab
uiucdcs		Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of Computer Science
uiuceml		Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Eye Movement Lab, Center for the Study of Reading
uiucme		University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
uiucuxa		Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Services Office
uiucuxc		Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Computer Services Office
ujocs		University of Joensuu, Dept. of Computer Science
uka		Universitaet Karlsruhe, Informatik IRA
ukc		Computing Laboratory, University of Kent
ukma		Univ. of Kentucky, Dept. of Computer Science
ulcs		Department of Computer Studies, University of Leeds
umcp-cs		University of Maryland, College Park, Computer Science Dept.
umich		University of Michigan, Engineering College
umn-cs		University of Minnesota, Computer Science Department
umn-ucc		University of Minnesota, University Computer Center
unc		University of North Carolina, Dept. of Computer Science
unc-c		University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC)
unido		Universitaet Dortmund, Informatik / IRB
unidocc		Universitaet Dortmund, Hochschulrechenzentrum
unidoi5		Universitaet Dortmund, Lehrstuhl Informatik 5
unizh		University of Zuerich, Institut fuer Informatik
unm-cvax		University of New Mexico
unm-ivax		University of New Mexico, Computer Center
unm-la		University of New Mexico
unmvax		University of New Mexico, College of Engineering
unr70		University of Nevada, Seismological Laboratory
uo-vax1		University of Oregon
uofm-cv		University of Michigan, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
uofp		University of Pennsylvania, Physics Dept.  Solid State theory PDP-11/23
uok		The University of Oklahoma, College of Engineering
uokvax		The University of Oklahoma, College of Engineering
uoregon		University of Oregon
uottawa		University of Ottawa, Dept. of Computer Science
up		Princeton University, Dept. of EECS
upvax		University of Portland, Engineering Dept.
uqcspe		University of Queensland, Dept. of Computer Science
uqpsych		Univ. of Queensland, Dept. of Psychology
ur-cvsvax		University of Rochester, Center for Visual Science
ur-laser		The University of Rochester, Laboratory for Laser Energetics
ur-valhalla		The University of Rochester, Dept. of Electrical Engineering
usceast		University of South Carolina, Dept. of Computer Science
usfbobo		Univ. of South Florida
usl		Univ. of SW Louisiana, Computer Science Department
ut-ngp		University of Texas, Austin, Computation Center
ut-sally		University of Texas, Austin, Computer Science Dept.
utah-cs		University of Utah, Computer Science Dept.
utah-gr		University of Utah, Computer Science Dept.
utai		University of Toronto, Computer Systems Research Group
utastro		University of Texas, Astronomy/McDonald Observatory
utcs		University of Toronto, Computing Services Systems Group
utcsrgv		University of Toronto, CSRG
utecfa		University of Toronto, Engineering Computing Facility
utecfc		University of Toronto, Engineering Computing Facility
utflis		Univ. of Toronto, Faculty of Library & Information Science
uthub		University of Toronto, Computer Systems Research Group
utmbvax		University of Texas Medical Branch, Office of Academic Computing and Biostatistics, A-23
utteeth		University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, Biometrics Section
utzoo		University of Toronto, Zoology Dept.
uva		Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vakgroep Informatica
uvacs		University of Virginia, Computer Science Department
uvapsy		Universiteit van Amsterdam, Afd. Psychologie
uvicctr		University of Victoria
uvm-cs		University of Vermont
uvm-gen		University of Vermont
uw-beaver		University of Washington, Dept. of Computer Science
uw-june		University of Washington, Dept. of Computer Science
uw-vlsi		University of Washington, Dept. of Computer Science
uw70		University of Washington, Dept. of Geophysics
uwai		University of Wisconsin, Computer Science Dept.
uwmacc		Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison Academic Computing Center
uwo		The University of Western Ontario, Dept. of Computer Science
uwstat		University of Wisconsin, Department of Statistics
uwvax		Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, System Architecture Lab.
uwvax		Korea Electrotechnology and Telecommunication Research Institute
uwvax		Korea Institute of Electronics Technology
uwvax		Seoul National University, Dept. of Computer Engineering 
uwvax		Tokyo Institute of Technology
uwvax		University of Wisconsin, Computer Sciences Dept.
vmars		Technische Universitaet Wien, Institut fuer Praktische Informatik
vu44		Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica
vu45		Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica
vu60		Vrije Universiteit, Afd. Informatica
vub		Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Medische Informatica
vubio1		Biologisch Lab. der Vrije Universiteit, afd. Plantenfysiologie, werkgroep Fotosynthese
wacsvax		University of Western Australia, Dept of Computer Science
wanginst		Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
watarts		University of Waterloo, Arts Computing Office
watcal		University of Waterloo, Computer Architecture Lab
watcecit		University of Waterloo, Centre for the Evaluation of Communication-Information
watcgl		University of Waterloo, Computer Graphics Laboratory
watdaisy		University of Waterloo, Math Faculty Computing Facility
watdcsu		University of Waterloo, Dept. of Computing Services
wateng		University of Waterloo, Depts. VLSI and CCNG
watmath		University of Waterloo, Math Faculty Computing Facility
watopt		University of Waterloo, C & O Dept.
watrose		University of Waterloo, Math Faculty Computing Facility
westf		Westfield College, Computer Unit, University Of London
wivax		Wang Institute of Graduate Studies
wjh12		Harvard University, William James Hall
wucs		Washington University, Dept. of Computer Science
wuibc		Washington University, Computer Systems Laboratory
wuphys		Washington University, Department of Physics
yale		Yale University, Dept. of Computer Science
yoyo		Princeton University, Dept. of EECS
Rich Kulawiec	rsk@{pur-ee,purdue}.uucp, rsk@purdue-asc.csnet
		rsk@purdue-asc.arpa (soon to be) rsk@asc.purdue.edu