[net.college] Social Stereotypes

richardt@orstcs.UUCP (richardt) (03/19/86)

<please don't eat me.  I taste awful.  No, No.  arrggghhhh... (burp.  'scuse me>

		Social Stereotype Identification Guide

PRIMATE		General Feature:  Big body; Small head; Huge (or no) neck;
		Short, fat legs;  Arms the same size as legs;  Butched hair;
"Dumb Jock"	Frequent belching;  Baseball cap (optional, but typical);
"Neanderthal"	Beer or sports T-shirt.
"Gorilla"	Behavior Summary:  These oversize, undersmart brutes are
		experts at making a scene.  They talk and belch excessively
		loudly.  Any non-primate that catches their attention is
		abuse-bait.  The best to expect from them is indifference,
		and even that they are capable of making offensive.  They
		are best at talking a lot and saying nothing.

RX (Arrogant	General Features:  Body any size, but usually not big;  Short,
    Expert)	styled hair;  Glasses (optional, but typical);  Expensive
		clothes;  Ridiculously expensive calculator in a quick-draw
"Smart Ass"	holster;  Briefcase (optional but typical).
 College	Behavior Summary:  These image-happy bozos make it their game
 Student"	to appear as though they know everything when in fact they 
		don't.  To reinforce their position, they carefully watch
		everyone for some trivial lack of knowledge to viciously 
		exploit.  RX's regard all sentient life with contempt.
		Occasionally (but not often) RX's are actually intelligent.

Forny		General Features:  Cheap imitation of Madonna, Howard Jones,
		Sting, or anyone in Duran Duran;  Trench coat/Neons/Shorts;
"Trendy"	Thongs/Velcro shoes;  Walkman.
"Surfer"	Behavior Summary:  These people evidently got hung up after
"Wavo"		seeing surfers on "CHiPs."  They look like them, talk like them,
		act like them, but aren't as smart as them.  Fornies are
		very dogmatic, referring to non-Fornies as "Ger-OH-Hoss!"

BYC (Born	General Features:  Usually very similar to RX's and/or Fornies 
     Yesterday	in appearance;  Face always peacful, albeit glazed;  Cross
     Christian)	on necklace, pin, bracelet, or earrings mandatory;  Bible
		always within reach;  Optional literary pamphlets.
"Jesus Freak"
"Holy Roller"	Behavior Summary:  BYC's are highly insecure individuals who
		adopt Christianity as a means of identity and self-
		justification.  This means that they feel everything they do
		is 'Right' because they are, after all, the 'Chosen Few.'
		It also means they are incapable of inhaling without a holy 
		stamp of approval.  BYC's are prepared to flash a bible verse
		to back up their position while refusing to accept any verse
		that weakens it.  BYC's are extremely dogmatic and know no

OR (Obnoxious	General Features:  SLOPPY.  Dishevelled hair.  Old, dirty, or 
    Rowdy)	torn clothing.  Beat-up shoes.  Perpetual ass-holish grin
    		or obnoxious frown.  Sometimes the mouth stays open.
"Ass Hole"	
"Rowdy"		Behavior Summary:  None really needed.  OR's have a constant
"Partier"	overwhelming need to encroach on everyone else's life.  
"Slime"		Everything they do is aimed against or in spite of someone
		or something.  OR's can use the word "fucking" as anything
		from a noun to a preposition.  They use "faggot," or
		"dude," as personal pronouns.

Metalhead	General Features:  As much black as possible.  Leather
		and/ or metal typically added to help matters.  Hair
"Rocker"	usually long.  Face usually malicious, albeit placid.
"Leatherhead"   Behavior Summary:  For all their frightening appearance,
		metalheads are usually calm, cool, and collected.  They
		are often intelligent.  It is never a good idea, however,
		to get them mad.  They often have quick, nasty tempers,
		and are very, very vengeful.

Country Folk	General Features:  Always lots of denim.  Comboy boots
		and hat often worn.  Button-up, collared shirts most 
"Farmer Boy"  	commonly worn.
		Behavior Summary:  Country folk are proud to be rural
		and hate "city slickers."  They are, however, quite
		often downright friendly, and even chivalrous, unless
		angered.  They are often pompous and long-winded.
		All American.

Deviant		General Features:  various (conservative or chaotic).

"Wierdo"	Behavior Summary:  These people have either found them-
"Psycho" 	selves, in spite of society, or are still looking.
"Human" 	Deviants tend to be very defensive, although they often
"Alien" 	go out of their way to pull punches.

			Composite Types

Thrasher       --  OR + Metalhead	Prep Christian --  Forny + BYC
Ass Brain      --  RX + OR		True Waver     --  Forny + Deviant
Southern Fried --  OR + Country Folk	SINC	       --  RX + Deviant
True Prep      --  RX + Forny		True Punk      --  Metalhead + Deviant
Ass Punk       --  OR + Deviant		"SOSH"	       --  RX + Forny + OR
SRI 	       --  RX + BYC		RR	       --  BYC + Metalhead
Double BYC     --  BYC + Deviant	Surfhead       --  Forny + OR
Redneck	       --  Primate + Country Folk

	SRI	--  Self-Righteous Intellectual
	RR	--  Righteous Rocker
	SINC	--  Self-Indulgent Non-Conformist
	"SOSH"  --  Socialite

{hp-pcd | tektronix} !orstcs!richardt
Richard Threadgill
1230 NW 23rd #7	
Corvallis Or 

	"What you love is your own power,
	 What you live is your own story"
			- Rush 2112

With help from:

Kevin Maxfield
321 Wilson Hall
Corvallis Or

	You have only to open up your eyes,
	You have only to open up your ears,
	But, for the sake of it all,
	Keep your @#$%&* mouth shut!!!