[net.med] Homogenization and Atherosclerosis 

eugenez@azure.UUCP (Eugene Zinter) (01/16/84)

  		Subject:  The Link Between Homogenization 
			  and Atherosclerosis

What is the number one killer?  Answer:  Heart Disease.

What causes  atherosclerisis?  Is cholesterol the villian? Is the
high density/low density lipoprotein theory the whole answer?  Is
the unbalanced polyunsaturated/saturated fat ratio the cause?  Or
are poor diet, smoking and/or sedentary lifestyle fully to blame?

Of course, all these may be  part of the problem.  And, in fact,
if one did live correctly (overall), such problems would be few.
But Earthlings will be Earthlings.

Anyway, here goes:


Dr. Kurt A. Oster has been  researching the area of  atherosclerosis
for over 16 years and has a hypothesis.  One that is sensible from a
biochemical and practical standpoint.  Here it is:

Milk  fat  naturally  contains  the enzyme  Xanthine  Oxidase (XO).  XO is
normally  digested in the  stomach  and small  intestine  and  utilized by 
the  body.   When  milk  is  HOMOGENIZED, the  NOW  minute  fat  particles 
envelope the  XO  enzyme.   This  allows  passage  through the  intestinal
wall into the circulating bloodstream.  Remember, normally XO is digested,
but in  homogenized  milk,  the fat  particles  apparently protect it from
being processed normally.

So what?

Well, once in the blood  stream, XO attacks the plasmalogen in the
phospholipid  membrane of each  cell in the  walls of the vascular
system (heart and arterial vessels).  Plasmalogen  is an essential
component  needed for protection of the outer  portion of the cell
membrane.  It  comprises 30% of the  membrane, providing  strength
and cohesiveness.  In response to the injurious  lesions caused by
XO, the body's healing mechanism  takes over by  calcification and
the  formation of scar  tissue.   This is  followed by  depositing
cholesterol and  fatty  materials  (used as a protective  coating,
that is, plaque).   The  plaque  obviously  obstructs  blood  flow
through the vascular system.

In addition, the calcification  causes a hardening that reduces the elasticity
of the vessels needed to accomodate blood flow pressure.  Hypertension results
as a symptom of this  condition.  When a coronary artery is clogged, the heart
suffers  deprivation of oxygen  and the  chest  pains of  angina  result.   If
oxygen starvation continues, myocardial infarct (heart attack) may occur.

Statistics indicate that heart disease death rates are proportional to the
consumption of homogenized milk.

Is this just a THEORY?

Well  now.   Other  research  revealed that XO from cow's milk  DOES get
into the bloodstream.  XO in the  bloodstream is recognized as a FOREIGN
substance by the body.  In response to XO,  specific, the body  produces
specific, known atibodies.  The presence of these antibodies  represents 
conclusive  proof, eliminating the initial doubt to this theory.   Also,

All of the dietary  factors  that  have  been  linked  with  the  formation of
cholesterol in the  PAST are  involved in the  exacerbation of the  condition,
though not the actual  CAUSE.   [That is, all the things; stress, High and Low
Density  Lipoproteins,  unbalanced  polyunsaturated/saturated fat ratios, etc.
are involved in the overall problem, but are NOT the major cause.]

According to Dr. Oster, folic acid helps to prevent atherosclerosis
because it inhibits the damaging effects of XO in the artery walls.
It also replaces  plasmalogen that is destroyed by XO.   Since B-12
facilitates the  absorption of folic  acid,  they  should be  taken
together.  Another beneficial effect is by riboflavin (B-2) because
it is needed by the enzyme monoamine  oxidase (MAO) which  helps to
synthesize the  connective tissue  elastin, maintaining flexibility
of the vessels.

Other important nutrients are lecithin, pangamic acid, vitamins A and C;
also B-6 and  magnesium  help in the  body's  production of lecithin.  A
replacement for homogenized milk is RAW milk (CERTIFIED).

Dr. Oster  cautions that if homogenized  milk and homogenized milk
products are  eliminated from the diet,  other  calcium-containing
foods and/or supplements are necessary, and should be under direct
and proper supervision, not under self therapy.


This  information was taken  from an  article in the "Health Fact News"
(Volume 83, No. 5).  The article was written by Elvira Muscolino, Ph. D
(Clinical Nutritionist).  

I don't know how good this  newsletter is, but they have some really
interesting articles.  They were early in reporting the New Glycemic
Index information which is EXTREMELY important for people with blood
sugar problems.   Even though such information was available in 1981
from actual experiments (using people).   For instance,  experiment-
ally  proven,  eating  COOKED  Parsnips has  nearly the same  effect
on your blood sugar level as drinking pure glucose (the worst  thing
you can do).

I myself  bypass the entire  problem of XO, homogonenization,
pasteurization, etc. by simply not ingesting milk but rarely.

Since it is common knowledge that human infants stop  producing an  enzyme
necessary for proper  digestion of milk at a certain age (around ?2? years
or so), it is  logically  natural  that  humans were not  meant to keep on
drinking  milk.   Where all other  creatures on this  planet stop drinking
milk after the  weening  period,  Humans  are  the  only   creatures  that
continue to  drink milk  after  being  weened.   Humans are very clever at
circumventing nature.

So  I don't  really  worry about  drinking milk, I simply  don't  need it.
Rather than trying to find some "safe" way to include a  negative  element
in my diet (just because I like it or because I think I need the  calcium,
etc.), I simply take it OFF of my list of truly GOOD foods to eat.

For those  afraid of not  obtaining  enough calcium by not drinking  milk,
what is  important is  NOT  the  QUANTITY of  calcium, but the  QUALITY of
it.   Check the  LATEST issue of  Muscle and  Fitness (I think FEB or MAR)
for an interesting interview with a Weightlifter whose diet is vegetarian, 
but of a different note.   One thing brought up is that when you COOK food 
(versus eating it  uncooked), you can only utilize about 20 percent of the
the  protein in it.   So you can take good  food and louse it up  just  by
processing it.  It has been  said, that mainly due to bad  dietary habits,
that the  RDA for  Calcium is about  10 times  larger than it  needs to be
simply  because of the average  diet.  Large amounts of  calcium and other
minerals are  required to  neutralize the  acidic  metabolic  wastes.  But
that's another story.
