[net.med] Question on Vitamin ? B17 ?

eugenez@azure.UUCP (Eugene Zinter) (02/27/85)

I see one group of people saying B17 exists (with no proof).

I see another group of people telling the first group that
they are  insane  (basically) and that  B17 doesn't  exist
(with no proof shown to the first group).

Why not prove  this the easy way?   Someone with a good  reference
book  (like  perhaps  Carter Bullard)  please  show the  molecular
definition of a  B Vitamin.  Show the existing B Vitamin molecular
definitions and then show the molecular definition of the supposed
B17 molecule.

Then point out how this  B17  molecule differs (even if it is
self-evident) from the  B Vitamin  group.  It would also help
if someone used English that doesn't require translation into
real world English.

There now,  isn't it a lot  easier to do it this way,  rather
than watching everybody ranting and raving at each other like
little children do when they disagree?

This B17  thing started a long time ago.  The theory I read
about was that normal  healthy cells (human) are unaffected 
by Laetrile molecules.  However there is something peculiar 
to  cancer cells  that  allow them to  unlock the  Laetrile 
molecule.   That  is, the  CYANIDE  within the  Laetrile is 
released  only when the  Laetrile  comes into  contact with
cancer cells, thus  poisoning and killing  ONLY the  cancer
cells.   Supposedly  this also  keeps  women  from  getting
pregnant  because the newly  developing fetus has this same
strange  "ability"  to  unlock  the  Cyanide.   An  example
was quoted  about some island  where the native  women  eat 
papaya  seeds  daily.   As  long as they  eat  their  daily 
ration of  papaya  seeds,  they  never get  pregnant.  I do
not know if the  theory  holds any  water, but the  example
of eating  papaya  seeds may be  true.   Papaya  seeds also
contain Laetrile.  

Myself,  I am  leary of  eating  foods that contain  poison 
(cyanide for example).   I try to  mimimize  my  intake  of
toxic  poisons  anyway I  can.   I believe  if I eat  TRULY
natural  foods  (you won't find  too  many in most  "health
food" stores),  I won't  develop  cancer and  won't have to
resort to  all the  known  (and unknown)  remedies to  save

						Eugene C. Zinter

figmo@tymix.UUCP (Lynn Gold) (03/14/85)

> Myself,  I am  leary of  eating  foods that contain  poison 
> (cyanide for example).   I try to  mimimize  my  intake  of
> toxic  poisons  anyway I  can.   I believe  if I eat  TRULY
> natural  foods  (you won't find  too  many in most  "health
> food" stores),  I won't  develop  cancer and  won't have to
> resort to  all the  known  (and unknown)  remedies to  save
> myself.
> 						Eugene C. Zinter

Adele Davis said the same thing.  She died of lung cancer.

--Lynn Gold
Tymnet, Inc.
