[net.med] Biting the hand that ....

werner@aecom.UUCP (10/23/86)

Human Wound Bites of the Hand
J. Oklahoma Stated Medical Assoc  1986;79:87-90.

	Twenty-seven patients with human wound bites of the hand were
reviewed to assess the complication rate and its relationship to the
preliminary care and type of debridement.  The 57% complication rate,
which includes two amputations, emphasizes the morbidity associated 
with this wound.  The time interval between injury and definitive
wound care proved to be the most important determinant influencing
the complication rate.  It is recognized this interval was increased at
times by inadequate initial treatment.  Eikenella corrodens, a significant
pathogen in these wounds was isolated in two cases.  Penicillin G and 
either a penicillinase-resistant penicillin or a cephalosporin are usually
effective and can be used initially until cultures indicate appropriate
therapy.  Early recognition and agressive treatment are the keystones
of management.

			      Craig Werner (MD/PhD '91)
              (1935-14E Eastchester Rd., Bronx NY 10461, 212-931-2517)
           "... you can do anything you want, but not everything you want."